The history of WWII aviation is dominated almost entirely by
the aircraft of five countries, the USA, England, Germany, Japan
and the Soviet Union. Although small numbers of other designs
saw combat, the majority of these were poor performers and saw
little action. The Romanian IAR.80 is an exception to the rule.
When it was introduced it could outperform many contemporary
fighters, and even beat out advanced German designs in head
to head competition. J R Lucariny. 1.5MB |
Focke-Wulf Ta-183.
In 1945, as the Allies were overrunning Germany, many amazing
discoveries were made, from torture camps, to fantastic aircraft.
They included many amazing designs, such as VTOL aircraft, jets,
flying rammers, etc... The Focke-Wulf Ta-183 was Kurt Tank's
answer to the Luftwaffe's request for a high-power single-seat
jet fighter capable of carrying 30mm cannons, air-to-air missiles,
and a variety of other palyloads. In the end, the aircraft never
got off paper. Some say, though, that the advancing Russians
got the blueprints, and took them to Moscow. 8.5MB |

Martin B-26 Marauder - Aircraft, Panel & Scenery --
. This package includes completely new plane, panel and scenery
models and designs for FS2002 and FS2004. It also includes new
aircraft sound files, a full virtual cockpit and full moving
parts. Authentically instrumented and highly detailed, this
package is specially dedicated to the "Marauder Men" of WWII.
Scenery by Paul Roberts, flight dynamics, sounds and panel by
R.L. Clark, and plane by David Eckert. 8.5MB |
Potez 630 / 63.11
This aircraft is one that Pote Co. answered specification of
bimotored multi seat fighter that French aviation ministry presented
in 1934. Production contracts of 80 Potez630 of Hispano-Suiza
14AB10/11 engine equipment and 140 Potez631 of Gnome-Rhone 14M
equipment were made in May, 1937. Potez63.11 of tactical reconnaissance/ground
support type (Gnome-Rhone 14M4 equipment) was produced and 723
of the most series (It is 225 in the following combat the losses)
was produced. Two kind of models(Potez630 abd Potez63.11) are
included in this file. by Kazunori Ito. 3.2MB |
Default Douglas C-47 RhAF textures only This
is a repaint of the Default DC-3. It is painted as a Douglas
C-47 of No. 3 Sqn Rhodesian Air Force. Repaint by Jens-Ole Kjølberg
Based on the DC-3 paint templates by Mark Beaumont. 739K |
Blohm & Voss BV P.170 Luft'46 Art Aircraft Series No.12.
This aircraft was planned as a high speed bomber and the ground
attack machine. In shape, An extremely irregular composition
in which three engines were laid out to a right and left aerofoil
tip and the body was done. And, High speed at 820 km/h was scheduled
in the plan. However, it seems that there is no lightness because
this airframe is extreme front heavy. Arms are not planned,
and either only high speed in this airframe of the merit, It
was likely to have been shot down surely if it downed speed
to improve the hit accuracy of the bomb. Therefore, the rate
of returning alive of this aircraft might have been extremely
low even if produced. After all, the development of this aircraft
ended only by submitting the plan. By Kazunori Ito. 3MB |
"P-38L-5: The Definitive Lightning,"
Lockheed P-38L ver. 2.1 The definitive Lightning, in factory-fresh,
bare metal textures. Also includes textures for Richard Bong's
"42" and John Johnson's "Jane." Full-featured FSDS2 models.
Complete package, including authentic P-38 sounds recorded
by the author. Includes some gauges by Mike Wagner and Chuck
Dome. Texture assistance from Dan Swart. Freeware. By David
C. Copley. 14.6MB
Aeroplane Heaven Battle of Britain AI Flypast.
The Aeroplane Heaven Battle of Britain Trio can be used as AI
without any modification but I found when I did it that there
were a couple of small problems. Not all of the undercarriage
wheels (3 sets!) were on the ground and also, when I tried to
chase them, they were flying much too fast. So I did a couple
of small mods to deal with the problems. Now they fly at a nice
steady 165 knots or so which means that you can keep up with
them and join the formation if you like, even with the Lancaster.
Requires the Battle of Britain Flypast Trio from Aeroplane
Heaven. Roger (Rollerball) Mole. 1.1MB |