Spanish McDonnell Douglas F18EF-18A 21-05 registration:C15-77.
Since 1982, 88 F-18A are the main spine of the spanish air defence
force, being deployed in three different air wings: 12, 15 and
21. Depicted aircraft, coded 21-05 and registered C-15-77 is
based at Morón AFB joining 211th squadron. October 21, 1998
Spanish artwork and AFX modifications done by Sigfrid Roig from
an B. Arnett´s original design redesigned by: I.Tahvanainen,and
D.Mrawek Flight Model by: Chuck Dome FS98 version. Transparent
cockpit File Size 299873 |
Dessault Mirage 3 Dassault Mirage III EE (111-3)
Registration:C-11-5 In 1970 spanish airforce bought 24 Mirage
III-EE mono-seaters and 6 M-IIIDE two-seaters to replace Sabre
interceptors, joining air defence sq. 111 and 112 based at Manises
AFB in Valencia. After 80,000 flying hours and 22 service years
were withdrawn from service in october 1992. Spanish repainting
done by Sigfrid Roig from an Paul Kimberling/ Joel Branchu original
AFX design. File Size 255179 |

Boeing T45c Goshawk with Panel. Boeing T45C in
Training Wing 2 Colours. Fixed a little HUD bug and and few
gauges. Training Wing 2 , at Kingsville NAS Tx., actually flies
T45A but their planes will be upgeaded next year.This is a repainted
and somewhat improved version of Scott Shuford's Tailhook T-45,featuring
enhanced textures, a new panel and checklists. By Dino Cattaneo.
File Size 1042130 |

Grumman F14-A Tomcat Grumman F-14A Tomcat Pack
for FS98. The Tomcat has been the standard US Navy interceptor
for more than twenty years. This package includes a very accurate
panel,VF1 Wolfpack & VF2 Bounty Hunters repaints and custom
carrier sounds. Original 3D model by Terry Hill.Soundwork by
Aaron Swindle.Textures,panel,package & aerodynamics by Dino
Cattaneo. File size 2903008 |

Aeritalia G.222 MOVING PARTS Aeritalia G-222
& panel for FS98 Detailed 3d model with: - Moving parts(landing
gear,flaps,ailerons and prop) - virtual cockpit (textured) -
very smooth shape (more parts and components than FSFS, more
textures) - double instument panel (flight deck & nav mode)
- custom sounds ANGELO MONETA. File size 1162997 |

Vulcan Bomber with panel Moving Parts Vulcan
Bomber MR2 moving parts aircraft for FS98 Brand new model features
ANIMATED Elevators, Gear, ailerons and speedbrakes. includes
accurate "photofeel" Panel and Real Vulcan sounds. By Graham
"Dotcom" Waterfield (FSD) & David LewisFile size 1850133 |

Boeing Goshawk T45C -.Boeing T-45C Goshawk Pack
Version 2.00 Includes a totally new and highly accurate Cockpit
21 panel, custom sounds for both carrier and runway operations,three
different repaints and extensive documentation about the real
Goshawk aircraft. Repaints, panel & package by Dino Cattaneo.
Sound by Aaron R. Swindle. File Size 2447068 |

MD Phantom 2 McDONNELL DOUGLAS F-4C Tail # 64-829
8th Tactical Fighter Wing "Scat XXVII" Col. Robin OldsFor Flight
Simulator 98 Aircraft Designed by: Michael Gurezka Aircraft
Repaint by: Mike Mendez Panel Designed by: Phil Perrott Package
Compiled by: Mike Mendez File size 1089437 |
