Tornado GR.1 of TriNational Tornado Training Establishment (TTTE)
for FS98/ FS2000, with moving parts (v1.0) Tornado GR.1, the
Interdictor Strike (IDS) version of Tornado, optimised for low
level strike and attack in all weathers, day or night. Model
with transparent canopy and moving parts. FS98 model by Massimo
Taccoli © December 1999 New FDE file By Sam Chin. Repaint in
TTTE markings by Bernard Mills. 218K |
T-33A U.S Air Force Jet Trainer Based on the F-80C "Shooting
Star" the T-33 was developed as a jet-trainer aircraft for the
U.S.Air Force in 1952.These markings are for serial number 80575
of the Air Defense Command. Original model by Mike Hill. Repaint
by Gary D.Jones. 104K |

AWACS with moving parts & panel. Designed and Painted
by Ken Blanks. Includes panel. 2MB |

Fighting Falcon FB-10 Operational Conversion Squadron (OCS)
Belgian Air Force (FAB) based at Beauvechain in Belgium. Where
New pilots are introduced to the F16 before moving on to an
Operational Squadron. - the aircraft features: complete moving
control surfaces, Undercarriage, Glass canopy, 3d Pilots, virtual
cockpit, afterburner and dp file for cfs users Happy Flying
f16a afx by Rune Foshaug Extensive modification byColin Norwood.
134K |

MiG-29G Luftwaffe/German Air Force (after reunion) Designers:
- original MiG-29 by Steve Barnes - new textures and moving
parts by Milan Lisner - German Air Force painting by Gregor
Gebel. 159K |

Delta Dart. This model will go 1,100 knots per hour.(Paul
Kimberling's original). Bob Wegeman. 343K |