Baghdad, Iraq v1.0 Scenery. Scenery for the city of Baghdad.
Includes three airports. Flack bursts appear over the city when
date of the simulation is set to 1991. By Dan Geis. 84K |


FS2000 Water Pro 2002 Replacement texture for Ocean and
reefs. Gives a more realistic effect! ! This texture is patterned
to look more realistic.No more block textures! This new version
of flight Water Pro is for fs98 fs2000 and fs2002. By: Daniel
Ponce. 1.6MB |
NEW TURKEY SCENERY This scenery working with FS98 , before
programs have some errors . this program Fs98 Compatible. Example:You
can fly Munich to Erzurum or Antalya And Whatever cities in
Turkey. This Scenery Isn't required much free memory. Because
it's not very detailed In this scenery Some New airports: Sabiha
Gokcen, Bodrum-Milas, Carsamba (Samsun) airport. 343K |
Refuelling VC-10 K 3 (for FS98)
You are presented with Dynamic Scenery depicting a choice of
mid - air refuelling tankers, depending upon your heading, over
the North Sea off the East coast of Great Britain in an area
used by RAF and other NATO aircraft, at 20000 feet, 250 airspeed,
and headings of 65 and 244 degrees. Each A/C follows a straight
vector for 35-40 Nm, then commits a 90degree turn to starboard
for approx 10 Nm before disappearing and then restarting the
cycle. You have approx. 9 minutes on the long leg. There is
another tanker about 4 1/2 minutes apart. Garvin (Barney) Barnicoat.
31K |
Scenery - ID4 City Destroyer You could have seen this extra-terrestrial
ship in the sci-fi movie "Independence day". Its diameter is
impressive 16 miles ( 25km ). Destroyers in this scenery are
above 3 areas: New York, London and Prague. Special features:
there are two airports on each ship. You can perform take-off
or landing on Destroyer's tower roof or in its "beehive" By
Milan Lisner and Vlada Stoje (CVA Design). 532K |
Scenery add-on called "Presidente" Bored and tired of Ark
Royal landings eh? Try Runway 28 ! It is 2460' ASL high atop
a plateau and your landing better be perfect! Runway includes
distance markers for short landing competition. By Paul Harmon,
aka H_PAUL. 5.3MB |