Aircraft Douglas Dc-3,Repainted in fantasy Santa Claus paint
scheme by Claudio Pedrazzini from Original by Gene Lacy Texture
by Claudio Pedrazzini Features moving parts, lights , etc. File
size 125633 |
FS98/FS2000 USAF
Air Rescue C-47. Very high quality by Flight Sim Developers.
Requires panel. Full range of moving parts & documentation.
File size 4MB. Suggested
panel here
C-47 MATS These files are not patches but UPDATES to our C47FSD.
The new AIR file includes unique Supercharger functions and
for the first time gives you the oppertunity to control Prop
RPM independent from throttle input allowing you to fly the
aircraft as per flight manual. We have also been able to add
more realistic start-up and shoot-down movements. Other fine
tweaks have been added to fine tune flight panel instrument
function and enhance and bring flight controls to what would
be expected if flying the real thing. The two sound files
have been remastered to uptimize the sound experience. By
Jim Goldman, Steve Small, Larry Teele, Robert Kirkland, Gerry
Schmidt, Mike Hambly and Reoland Ludoph FlightSim Developers
(FSD). 220K
C-47 MATS TEXTURE upgrades. This C-47 package only includes
TEXTURE upgrades to the original C-47 MATS. These new TEXTURES
enhance and allow for much higher resolutions and detail.
By Jim Goldman, Larry Teele, Robert Kirkland, Steve Small,
Gerry Schmidt, Mike Hambly and Reoland Ludoph FlightSim Developers
(FSD) Jan, 2000 . 2.2MB
FS98 Stal-6
- Soviet Experimental high-speed fighter. Designed by
Roberto Bartini, italian communist, worked in Soviet Union.
Clean aerodynamics, evaporating cooling system and retractable
landing gear allowed good flight performance even with moderate
powerful engine. In 1932 STAL-6 reached on flight tests 420
kph - unoficial speed record of Soviet Union. By Alexander
A. Belov. 165K

FS98 Dornier
18F with moving parts PEGASUS AVIATION DESIGN Design: Moriarty
Panel: Michael Vader Sound: Mike Hambly. 3.4MB |



Air Force De Havilland DH-100 Vampire FB.5. Aircraft with
panel & sounds from Antoine Delacretaz, repaint and little
modifications by Simone Pratticò; panel from Dave Haskell with
modifications for the Vampire by Simone Pratticò; sound for
the Vampire by Mike Hambly. Package by Simone Pratticò. 2.4MB |

Lancaster B 1 Special 617 Sqn RAF An aircraft for FS98 by
Keith Clifford/Pegasus Aviation Design This aircraft, PD119,
was specially modified to carry the 22,000 lb Grand Slam bomb.
Barnes Wallis designed a series of bombs designed to penetrate
deep targets. The first was the Tallboy which was used successfully
against the Tirpitz. This aircraft was flown by W/C Johnny Fauqier,
RCAF, on the attack on the railway viaduct at Arnsberg in March
1945. Features include animated propellers, flaps and landing
gear. A checklist is also provided. The bomb can be toggled
on/off using the / key. 70K |