splash screen F-16
(Long Range configuration) in full afterburner as the moon
rises behind the mountains. Screenshot and Splash Screen created
by Brian Oblinger. 196K
Splashscreen Australian Dream
This file contains 4 splashscreens of an RAAF P-51 called
'Australian Dream'. The texture is by Garry Smith. By Pat
Cox. 2.4MB
Maule M7-260 Splashscreens
for use with the FS9 Splashscreen randomizer, created by George
A.Arana (THDRG) using a splashscreen template. 1.2MB
of 33 Splashscreens for FS2002 Created
by George A.Arana (THDRG) Here is a set of 33 splashscreens
for FS2002 designed to be used with the Dreamfleet SSR.To
install, just copy all the splash screens into the UIRES/Splashscreens
folder inside the root FS2002 folder. 9.8MB