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Civil Jets Page 17

FSX Boeing 757-222 United Airlines new color scheme (N505UA). Adapted from an original Project Opensky 757 to work in FSX. Repaint: Clemens Pieper. 9.8MB
FSX Airbus A360 House Colors. Airbus A360 should become, with a design base on the Airbus A350, the Airbus A320 replacement. This CamSim new aircraft also have a new Animated Ground Servicing (AGS) for this type. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette. 1.6MB
FSX Boeing 737-300 KD Avia. Original FS9 aircraft by Eric Cantu. 2.9MB
FSX Boeing 747-400 JAL Airlines International Textures only for the default 747-400. 1.3MB
FSX Boeing 797 American Airlines. The B797 should become, with a design based on the Boeing 787, the Boeing 737 replacement. The shining aluminium look will be miss with a composite fuselage. This CamSim aircraft also has an Animated Ground Servicing (AGS) features. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette. 1.8MB
FSX Air France Airbus A360. The A360 should become, with a design based on the Airbus A350, the Airbus A320 replacement. This CamSim aircraft has an Animated Ground Servicing (AGS) features. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette. 1.5MB

FSX Boeing 737-800 Air India-Express Textures only for the default 737. Tom Bakody. 3.5MB

FSX Boeing 737-800 Jumbo Airlines Blue Textures only for the default 737. Tom Bakody. 3.5MB
FSX Boeing 737-800 Jumbo Airlines Red Textures only for the default 737. Also includes paintkit. Tom Bakody. 8.5MB
FSX Boeing 737-800 HolidayBeach.cz Textures Pack. For the default 737-800. Czech and Slovak Travel Agency HolidayBeach.cz and HolidayBeach.sk. 8.3MB