Embraer 190-LR KLM CityHopper Package
- 98-114 seat regional airliner. Full package for FSX Compatible
with Acceleration/SP2 By Jean-Pierre Brisard, Barry Blaisdell,
Bob May, Kevin Pardy and Danny Crance - Premier Aircraft Design.
12.2MB |

Bombardier Challenger 604 Medevac Package.
5-7 passenger Medevac Reg ID HB-JRA (Rega) This medical evacuation
version, the Challenger Medevac, can carry infant incubators
and life support and intensive care systems, or up to seven
stretcher patients with medical staff. Full moving parts, dynamic
shine, operating airstair, animated wheelchair ramp and fully
modelled medevac interior. Compatible with Acceleration/SP2
Text file Check/Ref lists and help pages included. By Barry
Blaisdell, Jean-Pierre Brisard, Bob May, Kevin Pardy and Danny
Crance - Premier Aircraft Design. 6.3MB |