![](pageimages/IAI_Kfir_C2.jpg) |
IAI Kfir IAI Kfir Mirage III Israeli Air Force, It represents
an Israeli Airforce Kfir during the Yom Kippur conflict. The
paint-scheme is not entirely accurate I'm afraid owing to the
limited references I had available. I hope you enjoy the repaint
as much as I did making it! T.Sima. 1.3MB |
![](pageimages/IAI%20Dagger.jpg) |
![](pageimages/MV_C-610.jpg) |
![](pageimages/MV_C-412_2.jpg) |
![](pageimages/HC130NUS.jpg) |
![](pageimages/Mirage_5elkan.JPG) |
& FS2000 Mirage 50 Elkan - Chilean Air Force Mirage
Aircraft collection. Developed for Denis Da Silva and Daniel
Da Silva using FSDS. Visit www.fs98fabmil.hpg.com.br, www.fsfab.kit.net
and http://www.mirage4fs.com to find other Mirages. Model and
Texture: Denis da Silva e Daniel da Silva. 1MB |
![](pageimages/FAB_Xavante_AT-26_3%BA_10%BA%20GAV.jpg) |
FS2002 FAB Embraer AT-26 Xavante. Brasilian air force Xavante
AT-26 4560, 3º/10th GAV; 2nd painting pattern. Sites: www.fs98fabmil.hpg.ig.com.br
and www.fsfab.kit.net, Model and Texture: Daniel and Denis da
Silva. 2.2MB |
![](pageimages/FAB%20-%20VU-35A%20-%20Lear35.jpg) |
![](pageimages/hs-125.jpg) |
FS2002 FAB EU-93A (HS-125-800) GEIV.
Hs of the Special Group of Inspection in Flight (Brazilian Air
Force) headquartered in Santos Dumond, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Model and Texture: Denis da Silva and Daniel da Silva. 949K |
![](pageimages/f14irant.jpg) |
(Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force) F-14A
for fs2000 or 2002,the F-14 has fs2002 version but I can not
make desert texture with the 2002 version, It contained all
player needed, But it have no cockpit because the canopy is
opaque,the original model is not opaque but when I testing
new texture the canopy became opaque, I can not solve this
problem . Original by DINO CATTANEO. 4.4MB
: Fix - fixes transparent window. 96K