Airbus A340/380 panel. Two new internal views are included!
This panel is frame rate friendly! This panel comes with the
following goodies: cabin signs, pushback gauge, real working
wipers, a special overhead panel, a special throttle/radiostack
panel and GPS. It also is fully compatible with: GPWS 98/2000,
Airbus warning sounds, Airport 2000 V1 and V2, Flightdeck 2000
and Start up 98. 4MB |
panel--Boeing MD-87 EFIS. Simple installation by self extracting
file. Panel features include two seperate levels of cockpit
lighting, full cockpit views, switchable HUD, working overhead,
GPWS and more. Also includes working windshield wipers with
sound. For the time being, the package contains two examples
of Project Freeware's DC-9-51 repainted as MD-87. Also includes
FS2K air file for use with Esa's MD-90 model. Sound package
available seperately. By Paul Golding/Project Freeware. 8.4MB |

Boeing 737-700/800/900 panel! With all the internal views.
This panel got all the usual things like, GPS. But this panel
got more than that only! Like real working wipers, cabin sign's,
removeable Flightyoke, a 737 overhead panel and a special throttle
window! This panel is also fully compatible with: VCP2000, Airbus
Warning sounds, GPWS 98/2000, Airport 2000 Vx, flightdeck 2000
and startup 98/2000. By Frank Elfert. 8MB |
Panel--Cessna L-19 Bird Dog aircraft v1.0
A highly realistic Bird Dog panel, With a pedestal and outside
view windows. All the instruments are operative, with joystick
movement and night lighting instruments. This panel is intended
for use with the aircraft file O-1_CIV.ZIP by Massimo Taccoli.
By Brahim Rhoul. 5.4MB |
172 photoreal panel (can also be used by other cessna's
en pipers), This panel has also more optional windows, for the
controls of the lights and the radiostuck. This panel has also
fully Internal views, and off course GPS and IFR instruments.
2.4MB |
Boeing 707 wingviews (can also be used for the DC 8).
This wingviews can be used for all aircrafts, also for panels
who allready got internal views! Soon i will also release
my Airbus A319/320/321 wingviews! Of course you can also find
a new winampskin. by Frank Elfert. 1.3MB