The North American X-15 was the first manned aircraft to cross
the gap between the flight in the atmosphere and space flight.
This model was created with FSDS2. Many hours of work were dedicated
to the internal virtual cockpit and illumination effects. FSDS2
easily allows animated parts and so there are a lot, included
opening canopy, moving pilot head, airbrakes, rocket flame,
etc. The aerodynamic and the engine features are much different
from other aircrafts. You can easily reach MACH 3.5 and high
altitudes in seconds and still land quite easily. Simulated
runway take-off. Custom gauges and sounds included in package.By
Massimo Altieri. 4MB |
USAF Northrop F-5E Tiger II,
"Walkuere" (fictional). Comes from Japanese comic "Reds in Blue".
USAFE 36TFW 666TFTAS is a fictional aggressor squadron at Badenburg
AFB, West Germany. Capt. Laura Linn is the heroine of this story.
Model by Denis da Silva and Daniel da Silva. Repainted by Haruna
Kurita, authorized by Toshio Kasahara. 1MB |
Focke-Wulf Ta-183.
This file you see before you is the complete product of many
months worth of work by many people. The Focke-Wulf Ta-183 was
a late-war German jet designed to push back the allied advance
toward the Rheine by destroying wave after wave of bomber with
jet aircraft. Before they could fly, the war ended. Several
in-progress models were captured by advancing Russians and taken
back to Moscow. After several years, they re-appeared; as the
MiG-15! This model is made entirely in gmax, features reflective
textures, has a highly detailed panel, and pretty realistic
air file created with minimal available information.. 2.2MB |
North American F-86A "Sabre" USAF.
The North American F-86A "Sabre" was the USAF's first swept-wing
fighter making its first flight on Oct. 1, 1947. The first production
model flew on May 20, 1948, and on Sep 15, 1948, an F-86A set
a new world speed record of 670.9 mph. MODEL Designed in FSDS
DSBdesign Eurofighter Typhoon.
The Eurofighter Typhoon represents the cutting edge in modern
military combat aircraft for the 21st Century. Developed in
conjunction with Eurofighter GmbH, we at DSB Design bring
you by far the most accurate visual model of the Eurofighter
Typhoon for any version of Microsoft Flight Simulator. In
addition, our team have worked long and hard to accurately
model the Flight Dynamics of this fast and nimble fighter
aircraft, so that you can experience some of the high speed
thrills that the Eurofighter test pilots often comment about.
Single Seat & Twin Seat visual models with numerous weapons
loadouts. Liveries for BAE Systems DA2, DA4 and IPA1 aircraft.
Fictional liveries for No 17 Sqn. and No 29 Sqn. Royal Air
Force as well as a fictional 'Tigermeet' scheme. Additional
liveries for Germany, Spain, Italy and Greece. Automated afterburner
effect with fully dynamic exhaust section, wing-tip contrails
and gear mounted landing light system based on XML gauge programming.
Custom panel by Eric De Best of Cockpits.nl with gauges by
Johan Peeters of the I3D Design Group and Eric Marciano. Unique
sounds by Mike Hambly and Peter Saveraux. Ten PREMIER quality
texture sets by Paul Barry of DSB Design. Model by Dave Brice.
See Readme for further credits. 16.2MB
See additional
textures pack below & on many further pages
New Typhoon Afterburner Effects
This is just some effects i set up for the DSB Eurofighter Typhoon,
it gives it a better looking Afterburner effect. activated by
Landing light(s) works in FS2002 dont know about FS2004 put
together by kingsnkviper Original Lighting Creator Unknown.
97K |
JASDF Kawasaki T-4 v2
with virtual cockpit added. A blue impulse, a red dolphin, and
seven kinds were drawn from the kind of color variation of T-4
which is a Japanese middle class jet trainer. Repainted by Hiroaki
Kubota (general purpose color) and Masatoshi Higake (red dolphin).
Model By Daisuke Yamamoto. 3.9MB |
This aircraft is an interception and the ground offensive fighter
of a Swedish air force. It was developed from the idea of defending
the home country having been placed by both camps in east and
west at the cold war following SAAB Doraken. It is still used
as a main force machine though JAS39 Gripen has been decided
to succeed the back. Mr. Gregor C. Gebel's panel and gauges
for JA37 Viggen is included in this file. by Kazunori Ito. 1.8MB |

6 Texture Pack for Eurofighter Typhoon. Requires aircraft
by DSB Design (typhn_11.zip - above). Six new texture sets with
fictional liveries for 11 Sqn and 111 Sqn RAF, JG74 and JBG31
Luftwaffe, Austrian AF and USAF. Textures by Paul Barry DSB
Design. 1.9MB |