Textures for the F4E Phantom II. These textures were created
specifically for the excellent F-4E aircraft produced by Michael
Gurezka, file f4eb_308.zip.
(900K). Package includes texures, Aircraft.cfg and smoke effects
for the F4E flown by BG Steve Ritchie, the only USAF pilot Ace
of the Vietnam War. Jim Bennett. 930K |
Fs2002 Neiva FAB T-25 (Universal)
Developed in the end of the decade of 60, with the incumbency
to substitute the North Americam T-6 in the advanced instruction
of the Cadets. Currently, T-25 is used in the primary and basic
instruction of the Cadets of the Academy of Air Force - AFA
(Academy of the Brazilian Air Force), with great success. Model:
Denis da Silva e Daniel da Silva, Texture: Denis da Silva e
Daniel da Silva. 411K |
MiG-21 SMT for FS2002 Version 1.0 Included in this package
is a MiG-21 SMT two paint schemes and three selectable weapons
loadouts. The two paint schemes are: Soviet Air Force and that
of a Romanian Lancer from Grupul 95 based at Bacau. Aircraft
by Kirk Olsson. Repaint by Justin Lamb. AIR file by Jim Coarse.
Pulled together by Chris Coarse by Chris Coarse. 2.6MB |


FS2002 Military AF-1A "Falcões do mar" The VF-1 Squadron
is the first Brazilian Navy Aerial Unit to operate fighters.
It was created October 02nd, 1998, and it is under the command
of the Naval air force. Missão "Executar a defesa aérea da Força
Naval e garantir a superioridade aérea necessária à aplicação
do Poder Naval onde e quando este se fizer necessário" Model
& Textures: Denis da Silva. 681K |
Smoke display tutorial and addon for the "me329.zip" Messerschmitt
Aero Racer By Steve ( Ratt ) Robinson.(previous page) This installs
a 7 colour smoke system to the Me329 Aero racer. Also included
is a tutorial on how to add display smoke to any aircraft in
any colour and have as many smoke trails you desire coming from
any location of the aircraft. It may also give an insight to
the other effects files already in the FS2002 simulation. 211K |
Kuwaiti Air Force A-4KU "Free Kuwait" desert camoflauge
From 1991 Operation Desert Storm. Also includes engine smoke
(Press "I") Some of the Kuwaiti Air Force aircraft escaped the
August 2, 1990 invasion of their homeland by Iraq. They flew
to safety in Saudi Arabia, where they later flew attacks against
Iraqi targets to help liberate their country. Repaint done by
Justin Lamb JLamb Model: Denis da Silva. 1.4MB |
Chance Vought F7U-3 "Cutlass" This FSDS project includes
a transparent linear sliding canopy and full moving parts including
accurate elevons courtesy of SDLEdit. By Paul Clawson. 195K |