AN-2P Colt Aeroflot (Wheels&Ski)
for FS2002 Known multi-purpose easy transport, in the given
model is submitted Northern polar variant of this plane. GMax-model,
full moving part, open door, panel with russian gauges, model,
panel and airdynamic by Vladimir Zhyhulskiy. 1.8MB |
Beechcraft Bonanza V35B.
An FSDS2 aircraft with moving parts, including complex gear
door motion, working shock absorbers and moving trim tabs. Also
includes a custom panel, custom gauges and a dynamic virtual
cockpit. By Chuck Dome. 961K |

Zlin Z-526F Second Edition
Zlin Z-526F is Czechoslovak sports and training plane. It's
intended for basic and for advanced training, for aerobatics
training, and also for glider's towage. FS model includes e.g.
photorealistic 2D panel, dynamic 3D virtual cockpit with working
gauges and with sliding canopy, retractable rotating tires,
new propeller, lights and smoke effects and 7 different liveries.
By Tibor Kókai. 5.9MB |
Bell-Boeing V22 Osprey
USMC Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey USMC for FS2002 Completely moving
part (switching door, cargo door, moving engine) GMAX-model,
Original airdynamic (closely read file V22_check), panel, sound,
all light. Author - Vlad Zhyhulskiy. 1.1MB |

Super Tucano A-29 and ALX
(FS2000/FS2002). Prototype of the Super Toucan (ALX) and Super
Toucan A-29. Airplane of light attack, light interception and
advanced training, with cockpit of 4th generation. With mission
of defense of Amazônia, interception and to abate the small
airplanes invaders (drug trafficker's airplane). Upgrade of
the original model done by Denis da Silva (" / " spoiler opens
the canopy). Model, texture and panel: Daniel da Silva. 2.5MB |