Airbus A380-800 AA, Air Arabia.
High quality Gmax model of the Airbus A380-800, the world's
largest passenger jet. The model includes all the usual things
as a steering nosewheel, taxi and landing lights, \dynamics
shine and all moving parts, including a fully animated landing
gear animation. Some special things include three opening doors,
with visible interior. Flexing wings, wing views and trim animation
for the horizontal stabilisers. Model, dynamics and textures
by Robert Versluys. Painted by David Hays. 1.7MB |
Boeing 747-400 GOL.
Ficticious colors of Gol Linhas Aéreas. Aircraft created by
Projct Opensky team & repainted by Cristiano Magnani. 3MB |

CRJ700a "Mountain Tribute".
Model by Project Sky Works, texture by Rhys Lawson using the
Project Skyworks CRJ700a Paint Kit. Fictional "Mountain Tribute"
Livery. Rhys Lawson. 5.4MB |
Rilo Aeronautics Execu-Jet was
designed with the Beginner in mind with easy flying and below
500 miles per hour, its the perfect plane to get used to Jets,
and the perfect small Executive Jet for the smaller Company.
Panel by Ric and Guage work by Allen I. Moving head for the
Pilot,full working surfaces and and the Door opens with the
(Shift-E) buttons. Interior lighting and well dressed Crew.All
moving surfaces and reflective paint. Just unzip and place it
in your main airplane file. Ric Lopez. 2.4MB |