Embry Riddle Aviation Buildings at KDAB, Florida (updated).
Revised Embry Riddle Aviation Buildings The previous submission
of Embry Riddle Aviation Buildings at KDAB was missing one texture.
The files are reissued with the added texture file eru_4.bmp.
On Christmas day 2006, a tornado hit the Embry Riddle campus,
and damage included a demolished fleet maintenance hanger. Therefore,
the enclosed scenery is no longer accurate. 50 of the Universities'
65 aircraft were damaged or destroyed.. 394K |
Congonhas SBSP Sao Paulo, Brazil
This is a light representation of Congonhas, an improvement
on the default SBSP airport. The details are kept to a minimum,
so it is very frame-rate friendly. Yet, at a glance, it will
give the FS pilot the illusion of Congonhas. The apron lights
look nice at night. I tried to follow satellite photos available
on the net, and I also had lots of help from my friend Ayrton,
who lives in Sao Paulo, and my friend Newton, from Rio.. I did
take lots of poetic licences, though. Traffic is not included.
Author is Fern Marques. 311K |
BWN/WBSB-Brunei International Airport v1.03
This release intentionally fixed the crash detection on all
buildings; generally on the main terminal, gates and hangars.
Also fixed the missing ILS at Rwy03 and Rwy21, minor updates
on airport base surroundings, extended terminal and AFCAD file.
Most prominently this release has removed the auto installation
wizard that caused the main problem in the prior version. Also
include are the fixes .bgl files for my Malaysia, Singapore
& Brunei LWM & VTP scenery. Mohammad Omar. 4MB |
Former Osirak Nuclear Reactor, Iraq.
This folder contains the scenery of the Iraqi nuclear reactor
of research Osirak, destroyed by the Israeli Air Force in 1981.
The reactor is located in the south of Baghdad. (Copy authorized
only between FS users, the modification is prohibited) Scenery
by Gaël LE BRIS - Distributed by COGITO. 850K |
Albertville Hospital Helipad, Savoie-74, France.
This folder contains the scenery of the Albertville Hospital
Helipad (Savoie-74, France). The pad is identify by its ICAO
code HALB, visible on the FS GPS. (Copy authorized only between
FS users, the modification is prohibited) Scenery by Gaël
LE BRIS - Distributed by COGITO. 445K |
Essex Small Airstrips Scenery, UK.
Contains 10 private airfields, all located within the county
of Essex, United Kingdom. They are compatible with the VFR GM
Photoscenery coverage and prepared using the VFR Terrain Mesh,
and are intended to compliment Gerry Winskill's "UK Farmstrips"
Scenery. Like Gerry's scenery, the runways "follow the
terrain",so that users may experience the challenge of
taking off from, and landing on, sloping runways. This scenery
has been tested in FS2004 (FS9) only. Strips included are: Damyns
Hall, Fanners Farm, Gerpins Farm, Great Oakley, Laindon, Rayne
Hall Farm, Stones Farm, Thorpe Le Soken, Thurrock, West Horndon.
This is a re-release due to folder errors in a previous version.
24.1MB |
Hellas Scenery Project (HSP) LGAV Venizelos, Greece.
This HSP release includes improvements to Athens E. Venizelos
airport with custom buildings and objects. LGAV is the capital
airport in Athens, Greece which replaced LGAT Hellenikon on
March 2001. It is the airport that served the Athens 2004 Olympic
Games. Website www.aia.gr. This scenery has been carefully designed
so as to balance good performance with enough visual day &
night details. It is fully compatible with "HSP Base scenery"
& "HSP Mesh terrain" (recommended). 6.5MB |
AI Roads V4 Plus Fender bender alley. This
package. puts new AI models on the roads. Models built in
FSDv3. Scenery addons in EZ scenery. (Both by Abacus). Lee
Swordys AFCAD and T TOOLS required (here).
The models are basic beginners models, with basic model textures.
Some with fsfo bitmaps textures. Formatted with imagetool.
All wheels are animated - Plus some other parts. New interesting
lights arrangements' best viewed, dusk to dawn. All files
for ai included. Check at simviation.com later for my next
new Update/version. Frank Ovenden. 22.3MB
AI Roads V4 Plus Update Fender bender alley. This Freewhare
package. puts a new aiHummer model on the roads.and Large
service hangers with a static aircraft scenery' that I missed,
when uploading the AI Roads v4 Plus Desert Cammo Military
theme. New AFCADS, new AI traffic files included. Models,
and scenery objects' made in FSD v3 Softwhare by abacus. Lee
Swordys T TOOLs required for Models built in FSDv3. Scenery
addons in EZ scenery. Both softwhare' by abacus. Lee Swordys
AFCAD and T TOOLS required. The models are basic beginners
models, with basic model textures. Some with fsfo bitmaps
textures. Formatted with imagetool. All wheels are animated'
Plus some other parts. New interesting lights arrangements'
best veiwed, dusk to dawn. All files for ai included. Check
at simviation.com later for my next new Update/version. Frank
Ovenden. 1.3MB |
East German Military Airfield Collection. Part 1.
North to 52 degree using Land Class. By M. Spengler GDR_MIL8.ZIP
13.3 MB All included airfields are former air bases. The collection
include 30 airfields and air- strips Including EDBU,EDBG,EDAV,ETNL,EDCE,
Mahlwinkel, Jueterbog,Brand-Briesen. 13.3MB |