MAAM-SIM DC-3 Fuel Tank Selection and Autolean Modification
This gauge is applicable only to the FS2004 MAAM-SIM DC-3 (available
from Mid Atlantic Air Museum Simulations at www.maam.org)
or other planes using the MAAM-SIM DC-3 AIRCRAFT.CFG and MaamSim_DC3.air
flight dynamics files, such as the Mark Beaumont 'IFR' Panel
modification for the MAAM-SIM DC-3 (DCAMAAM4.zip, DCAMAAM5.zip).
It is not calibrated for use with the stock DC-3, or the MAAM-SIM
R4D flight dynamics files, or other third party aircraft. Likewise,
it is not recommended for use with the MAAM-SIM DC-3 in FS2002.
The purpose of this gauge is to disable FS2004's default characteristic
of setting the fuel flow to the engines from "all" tanks setting,
and to simulate the correct auto-rich and auto-lean settings
on the mixture controls as desired. By Dave Bitzer and Mark
Beaumont. 102K |
MAAM-SIM DC-3 World Rally 2004 Textures only.
This is a repaint of the FS2004/FS2002 MAAM-SIM Passenger DC-3
in a specially commissioned livery for the 2004 DC-3 World Rally,
organised by the team at DC-3 Airways VA. Visit www.dc3airways.com
for information about this exciting event, which runs from 15
October through 30 October 2004. Thereafter, you can keep this
lovely lady as a souvenir of how well you flew! Requires a base
install of the FS2004/2002 R4D-6/DC-3A package available from
Mid-Atlantic Air Museum Simulations at
www.maam.org. This livery is also available for the default
FS2004 DC-3 as wr4_fs9.zip. By Mark Beaumont, VP Fleet, DC-3
Airways. 972K |
Douglas DC-3 World Rally 2004 Default Textures.
This is a repaint of the default DC-3 in a specially commissioned
livery for the 2004 DC-3 World Rally, organised by the team
at DC-3 Airways VA. Visit www.dc3airways.com for information
about this exciting event, which runs from 15 October through
30 October 2004. Thereafter, you can keep this lovely lady as
a souvenir of how well you flew! This livery is also available
for the MAAM-SIM FS2004/FS2002 Passenger DC-3 as wr4_maam.zip.
By Mark Beaumont, VP Fleet, DC-3 Airways. 535K |
Boeing F4B-4 This
FSDSv2 project is painted for the CAG of VF-6 assigned to the
USS Saratoga (CV-3) during the early 1930's. It has the usual
animations, pilot figure, Nav lights, and a specular color shine.The
2D panel and the VC are based on an actual photo. By Paul Clawson.
471K |
Lockheed L-049A Constellation, in TWA, KLM, and PAA bare metal
All new GMAX aircraft, panel, and XML gauges. Complete package
includes aircraft, panel, and sound. Install program for easy
setup. This is a very accurate representation of the L-049A
Connie in the late 1940's, but in other liveries flew into
the 1960's. Details include accurate flight dynamics, full
fuel distribution panel, flight engineer's panel, high quality
texturing, and many others. This version 1 does not contain
a VC, which will be added in a later release. 31MB
Lockheed L-049A Constellation Update. The negative lift
effect by elevator using "Lift on Elevator" is removed. You
can land now easy and perfectly with this new *.air- and *.cfg-file.
This great Aircraft by FSDZigns is now also more stable in
the AP LOC and GS mode... better ILS holding. Modifications:
Lift on Elevator, AP Loc and GS Holding, Cruise Lift Scalar,
Flap Pitch Moment, Trim Elevator and Aileron Sensivity, Flap
Drag. Try the File... Download File Size 14kb, Modifications
by Roy Hahmann. 15K
Gloster E29/39 Pioneer
The Meteor would never have been built if the Gloster E29/39
had not proved successful. Only two E28/39's (unofficially known
as the Gloster Pioneer) were built but they proved the viability
of the turbojet as a power source for a fighter aircraft and
paved the way for the jet age to begin in Britain. FSDS2 model
with full moving parts, detailed textures, custom panel, specular
shine, reflective textures, fully functional VC, accurate FDE's
and more...Model&FDE's:Felipe Belalcazar, Panel:Warren Wright
Textures:Tony Marinac. 10.8MB |
KNIML Fokker FVIIb/3m.
The Fokker FVII trimotor was one of the most successful airliners
of 1925-1935. The first four FVIIb/3m with extended wings were
delivered to Royal Dutch East-Indian Airways in 1928. By Jens
B. Kristensen. 2.4MB |
MAAM-SIM DC-3 South African Airways 'Klapperkop' Textures only.
Requires the base R4D-6 package available from Mid Atlantic
Air Museum Simulations (MAAM-SIM) at www.maam.org
). Based on original textures by Jan Visser, this texture set
in South African Airways livery requires the base R4D-6 package
available from Mid Atlantic Air Museum Simulations (MAAM-SIM)
at www.maam.org. Installation instructions are included. "Klapperkop"
was manufactured in 1943 as a C-47. She became part of the 'South
African Airways Historic Flight' in 1991, and has undertaken
numerous all-inclusive package tours to various destinations,
including game lodges in South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe,
as well as trips to the Victoria Falls. The aircraft seats a
total of 24 passengers in a business class configuration, and
up to four crew members. By Mark Beaumont. File name: MAAMSAAK.ZIP.
6.4MB |
DC-3 Intra-Jersey Textures. This
was the original aircraft that started Intra in the late sixties
and led through expansion, take overs, and after becomming Jersey
European, then British European is now Flybe: Repaint of default
Douglas DC3 by Garry Russell. 1.7MB |