Beechcraft G-17S Staggerwing
The last of a long successful line of negative stagger biplanes.
This model has moving parts, a pilot figure, transparent glass,
Nav lights, 3d wheel wells and a deep red specular shine. Roger
Gilbert's Custom Beechcraft panel is included. By Paul Clawson.
2.2MB |
2002 A6M2-21 ZERO ZEKE.
When the war began, the Zero gave enemy pilots a rude shock.
No Allied fighter could match the Zero's phenomenal maneuverability
and climb, or its range. FSDS2 Model & Textures by J R Lucariny.
2MB |
Mustang Racer Package P-51
Package: Consolidates My previous P-51 (now deleted) Repaints
so that You can see all 5 Aircraft, any previous installs will
have to be deleted. P-51 Mustang air racing livery package.
Original superb aircraft by Roger Dial with Flight Dynamics
by Steve Small. Repaints & Pkg fix By Robert "Hawk" 8.1MB |
DC-3 in SWISS AIR LINES livery .
This default aircraft repaint shows HB-IRN, one of the last
SWISS AIR LINES DC-3s. she can be seen in her 1960's livery:
red and white striping on all aluminium fuselage. Thank you
Mark "Dark Moment" Beaumont, for the splendid FS2004 Douglas_DC-3
Repaint Templates you have provided. By Jaap de Baare. 2.1MB |
B25-D Mitchell 2 Variation Package.
Part of My North American Vintage collection to promote the
OshKosh Fly-in Hops in FS2004 Originally a CFS2 Aircraft,
modified for FS2004 with effects for the FAA required lights.
a little glitch in the lights postitions, but livable Both
Repaints done by Robert "Hawk". 2MB
- fixes lights
P-51 Historic Legends Package: Texture(only)
add-on for My P-51 Package available above. An Actual early
racer that made it's appearances at various air shows Pilot/Owner
Bill Green back in the 1960's, I'm not sure if this aircraft
is still in flight today Repaint By Robert "Hawk" .Includes
updated aircraft cfg. for simple installation. 1.5MB |
F4U1-A Corsair : ( 2 Variants)
Replica of a Restored F4U1-C Corsair from the Untited States
Marines and a Fictional Original Design Both Painted by Robert
"Hawk" Original Aircraft of CFS2 Modified for FS2004 with FAA
Required lights, Aircraft CFG to fix the Characteristics of
the Corsair to spin while on asphalt and a modern panel (By
Rick Brown at JHB Aerospace Repaint & Packaged By Robert "Hawk".
4.9MB |
Special effects for default DC-3.
Customized engine startup smoke and high altitude contrails
are now enabled by MS for use on each aircraft, jet or prop,
single or multi-engine, by using the FS9 version of the aircraft.cfg's
[EFFECTS] section to specify them. The temperature below which
the contrails occur can also be defined in aircraft.cfg by the
user. DC-3 startup smoke, contrails, and tire- mark (14" wide)
are included in the d/l. Also fixes wrong prop rotation; has
more scrape points/effects for bellylandings. Easy manual installation
with all new filenames. By Jan Rosenberg. 65K |
C-46 Commando USAF China Doll.
Based on Mike Stone`s C-46 and repainted as a "Hump" Flight
plane,addon noseart"china doll" this plane can be operated inFS2004,
using dc3`s sound and panel. .air&cfg have been modified for
fs2004. Repainted by Bill Wolfgen. 2.9MB |