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in Europe#1 generated with Super Flight Planner, Volume
1. Includes changing weather conditions, SIDs and STARs, control
centers, altitude and speed checks. These short flights are
designed for props and/or jets. Vol .1 contains 13 flights connecting
Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, London, Dusseldorf and Frankfurt.
File size 27913. P St Didier |
In Europe Vol. 4 generated with Super Flight Planner.
Volume 4: Southern Europe. Includes: changing weather conditions,
SIDs and STARs, control centers, altitude and speed checks.
These short and easy flights are designed for props and/or jets.
Contains 16 flights: Nice-Pisa-Roma-Athens-Izmir-Iraklion-Athens-
Dubrovnik, Zagreb-Beograd, Venezia-Napoli, Palermo-Malta, Paris-Tunis,
Barcelona-Mallorca, Paris-Madrid-Lisbon, Madrid-Faro, Paris-Canarias.
By Patrick Saint-Dizier. File size 319844 |
in Europe Vol 5 generated with Super Flight Planner
Vol. 5. Improved management of headings and weather in Super
Flight Planner. New in this volume: More difficult weather conditions
and waiting procedures before landing. Include: moderately difficult
weather conditions (fog, turbulences, big clouds, strong winds),
SIDs and STARs, waiting procedures, control centers, altitude
and speed checks. These flights are designed for props and/or
jets. Vol.5 contains 10 flights: Dublin-Isle of Man-Belfast-Dublin,
Amsterdam-dusseldorf, Bremen-Frankfurt, Dusseldorf-Paris-London
Heathrow, Toulouse-Paris Orly, Nantes-London Gatwick, Faro-Lisboa.
By Patrick Saint-Dizier. File size 203352 |
in Africa vol. 1 for FS98/FS2000 generated with Super
Flight Planner. Includes flights: La Réunion - Mauritius - Seychelles
- Kilimanjaro. Include: frome asy to quite difficult weather
conditions, SIDs and STARs, control centers, waiting procedures,
altitude and speed checks. These short and easy flights are
designed for props or jets. By Patrick Saint-Dizier.. File size
67065 |
98 adventures file. Includes 5 adventures for flights
from & to major US cities. Ideal for use with civil jets.
File size 186423 |
Advenures by J Souza.