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FS2004 Eaglesoft Citation X Lone Star MedEvac Textures. . You must own the payware Eaglesoft Development Group Cessna Citation X in order to use these textures. Paint job by Jimmy Richards with textures by Bill Browning with permission. 1MB
FS2004: FS Addon Manager Version 3.60 NEW: SCENERY AND SPLASH SCREEN AUTO-INSTALL!! FS Addon Manager is a great new Software for managing addons to Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004. Assign panels and sounds to aircraft as you whish. Installs directly distribution ZIP files, Freestyle Categories. Hangar-, Scenery-, AI Traffic Management, Diagnostics and much more... Shareware $39.90 (Upg. $15.00) By Manfred Murer. 7MB
FS2004 Alphasim Westland Lynx RAF Empire Test Pilots School Textures. these textures depict the RAF EPTS LYynx serial ZD560. Requires the Alphasim Lynx. By Dave Charelton. 3.6MB
Fs2004 IRIS F-35B fictional Italian Navy Textures. Original textures by Ben Hollinsworth, repaint by Andy Nott (AGN Textures) using IRIS JSF repaint kit. 1.8MB
Fs2004 Captain Sim Legendary C-130 FAB #2480 Textures Only, Legendary C-130 Project FAB Veternos - FAB C130 #2480, SAR- Cristiano Magnani. 11.9MB
Fs2004 Captain Sim Legendary C-130 FAB #2477 Textures Only, Legendary C-130 Project FAB Veternos - FAB C130 #2477, Esquadrão Gordo (Squadron Fat) 1°/1° GT commemorative 40th year C-130 in FAB - Cristiano Magnani. 12.2MB
Fs2004 Captain Sim Legendary C-130 FAB #2473 Textures Only, Legendary C-130 Project FAB Veternos - FAB C130 #2473, Esquadrão Gordo (Squadron Fat) 1°/1° GT commemorative 40th year C-130 in FAB - Cristiano Magnani. 12.9MB
Fs2004 Captain Sim Legendary C-130 FAB #2470 Textures Only , Legendary C-130 Project FAB Veternos - FAB C130 #2470, Esquadrão Gordo (Squadron Fat) 1°/1° GT- Cristiano Magnani. 13MB