728-100 for FS 2002

- File
Name: FD728V1b.zip (download here
- Date
July 28th, 2003
- Designer:
- Reviewer/Test
Pilot: Bryant Swanstrom (webmaster@fs-xtreme.com)
- Computer
Specs: AMD Athlon XP 2800+, 512MB DDR, GeForce
4 Ti4800 128MB
External View: The 728-100 has a good physical
appearance although one side of the aircraft,
for me at least is blurry. The model was created
with Gmax. There doesn't seem to be a flaw in
the model. It has full animation and a nice Virtual
Cockpit. If the plane were to be repainted which
I am sure it already has been, it would look great.
I would rate the external view a 7 out of 10,
if it weren't for the paint job it would be rated
a 10 out of 10. Although the blur could just be
me but that other side is perfect so I don't know.
Also, I found a way to get rid of the blur, I
noticed right when I got in the air the blur was
gone and it was just like the other side. When
I minimized and came back it was back to blurry.
I zoomed in as close as I could to the blurred
side and when I zoomed back out it was perfect.

Ouch!, again it could just be me but I got an
error for sound file not found so it had to resort
to stock 737 sounds.

The panel and Virtual Cockpit both look great.
But because of the sound problem, every time I
switch from spot to cockpit I get a sound error
which is really a pain... I would rate the
panels about 8 out of 10.

On the ground it handles like you would expect
it to, very wide turns. I tested at O'Hare Intl,
for landing I found full flaps and about 160-170
Knots a good speed to land. Late corrections mean
bad landings because of its some what sluggish
maneuverability. It seems a lot more agile than
it should be for the size of the plane of course
the way I was testing its agility would stress
the plane and cause it to break up, normal turns
of course would not.
off Characteristics: Very easy to take off. Once
you reach about 130 Knots that is a good time
to go air born.
personal overall rating is 85%. Its a very nice