F-14 Tour Video-
From a carrier takeoff to a sunset tour of London inbetween
the spikes of the Dome and under Tower Bridge before a carrier
landing, this short video set to the music of U2; Belinda
Carlsile; Daniel Powter; and The Clash is an adrenaline rush
worth the small download. Tom Mortimer. 1.5MB |
Kirk Olsson F16s Video -
with the video maker's repaints on. In this musical videoclip
you can see my custom AI trafic also. If you like the Falcon,
watch this movie. Author Lucian Lie (Yago9). 31.2MB |
F-14A Tomcat Movie.
This is my first movie and im just doing movies for fun. In
this movie im flying an f14a tomcat. its filmed with a webcam
and its pretty bad qaulity. My next movie will be better qaulity
im working on that one right now i think it will be out in
a week. In this movieI do some stunts not so advanced ones.
By: Mattias Zettergren AKA Zmaster. 11.8MB |
F4U Corsair Video
- This is a 3:00 minute video of the Aeroplane Heaven Corsairs
being put through their paces to the sounds of Wilson Pickett.
Turn the lights off, put the headphones on, and turn the volume
up REAL loud for the best effect. Made with Adobe Premiere
and Fraps. Author: Kevin Ryan File Size: 16.6 MB |
Videos: Birds Of Prey Promo1.
This is a small promotional clip for an upcoming movie series
titled Birds Of Prey. This features freeware military aircraft,
available on the web. By Marc Dantuma. 5.9MB |