P51 Mustang D- Bill Green's Racer. This is a Repaint of
Roger Dial's P51 Mustang D Modified For Flight Simulator X .
This Aircraft is .. Entitled " " Textures Created
By Robert Hawk . This is a Complete Aircraft Updated for FSX
.. To Honor and Perserve Robert Hawk's Aircraft painted &
modified . Updated By Mark Rooks. 6.9MB |
Update of the P-51D Mustang by
J. E. Narcizo (Mustang_P51D.zip. required here).
I have tweeked the flight dynamics a bit, but the real update
is the panel that needed adjusting to work in FSX. I also
added a GPS and a radio stack that includes an autopilot.
Bob Chicilo. 1.2MB
This is an update for FS X, for the P-51 by J. E. Narcizo.
I just found out I left out the Cessna 208 gauge from FS 9
needed for the light switches to show on the panel. This is
that gauge. Sorry for any problems anyone had because of my
mistake. Bob Chicilo. 4MB |

Curtiss C-46 Commando Package.
More than proud, I am so happy to present my first model:
GA_Curtis C-46 COMANDO, in AEROCONDOR'S livery. this is part
of a group of models that will include the Concorde and the
B707-359C, wich will be identificated by GA (GUZMAN - ARTES)
This project has become real thanks to God in first place,
and to Tom Gibson, Greg Pepper (Calclassic), and friends from
Free Flight Forum, who took a lot of their time to help me.
I want to thank also all those people who have realised fs
works for public use. Includes Virtual Cockpit and many more
features. By Libardo Guzman, Greg Pepper, and Tom Gibson.
See readme for installation tips! 26.1MB
GA Curtis C-46 Commando Reworked files contain: -Original
crew restored. -Original main landing gear restored and reworked
based on many pictures. -PANEL.CFG was rewritten: New forard
view into cockpit will show runway while taxing using -ZOOM
(-50 or less). -VIRTUAL VIEWS around exterior from different
windows as passenger location, to enjoy wings, flaps, etc:
apply zoom also, if you want to have a complete view. Libardo
Guzman. 1.8MB |
ALITALIA, Curtiss C-46A Commando Textures only. 'Alitalia'
purchased and operated as freighters some of these aircrafts
(ex USAAF, reconditioned in Italy by Officine Aeronavali) during
'50. Textures set only in Alitalia's livery (I-SILV) for the
new and beautyful Libardo Guzman/CalClassic's C46A Commando
(above). Repaint by Manuele Villa. 1.4MB |
Horten Ho-229v3 The
Horten Ho-229 was a World War II prototype flying wing fighter/bomber.
Designed by Reimar and Walter Horten and powered by two Jumo
004B turbojets it was built to carry a 1,000 kg load for 1,000
km at 1,000 km/h. This is an updated version with 6 skins and
visual model from Kazunori Ito’s FS 2004 Ho229ab version
and flight model from Jay McDaniel/Scott Gentile CFS3 ho_229v5
version. It has been adapted to FSX with a new instrument panel
and gauges based on original Ho-229 photographs (no VC). Integration
and gauges by Fred Highland. 16.9MB |