Aircraft Checklists/Manuals > Page 2
0.02Mb (478 downloads)
MSFS Airbus A320 Cockpit Preparation. Individual Doc file from the A320_CL to alleviate problem encountered by one user having difficulty printing the A320 checklist. By Joseph Pearson. Now includes additional .rtf format for anyone who could not read it in Word
Posted May 3, 2021 02:45 by uploader

192.16Mb (570 downloads)
Source files (.rtf format) for the uploaded
Ilyushin Il-76 MANUALS. You only need these
files if you want to modify and reprint the
mentioned manuals...
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Posted Jul 7, 2019 16:20 by Flanker256

15.25Mb (680 downloads)
Ilyushin Il-76 pdf manuals translated from Russian to English for the aircraft model by
Ilya Kulikov (Monumentum) and Kirill Konovalov.
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required file
Posted Jul 7, 2019 06:01 by Flanker256

12.88Mb (1248 downloads)
These files contain extras for the excellent Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-21 MFB by Ivan Jurcaga. Extras included: • Documentation of the MiG-21. • Illustrated Checks and Reference kneeboard files in htm format so that they will be usable in both FSX and P3Dv3. These kneeboard files are based upon the great MiG-21 manual by Dutch Owen. • Extra VC camera definitions. • Modification of the [autopilot] section by adding entry; max_bank=28.000000 Implementation of these extras: Put all these files and folders into the root of the MiG-21 MFN aircraft. To add the max-bank entry, camera definitions, and kneeboard files to the aircraft read the Aircraft_cfg.txt When you're done you can delete the Aircraft_cfg.txt and the What is this.txt files. Good flights and happy landings wished to you by Flanker256
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Posted Mar 14, 2019 05:25 by Flanker256

88.30Mb (1193 downloads)
7 Original google translated Tu-144 documentation files for
the great freeware Tu-144D aircraft by Nikita Konstantinov, Thomas Ruth,
Claudio Mussner, Mikhail Mitin, Igor Borozdin a.o.
Files are in RTF format, so you can edit them with Wordpad before
printing them as pdf files, which will result in ca. 23 Mb disk space.
Hint: if you archive the RTF files with 7-zip you'll spare a lot of space.
Finally I hope you'll find these documents useful.
Posted Feb 5, 2018 12:36 by Flanker256

16.88Mb (716 downloads)
Translated manual for the Ilyushin IL-18 by
Edgar Giunart.
Created in rtf format with Wordpas so you can edit it if needed before printing it as pdf
in order to reduce file size.
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required file
Posted Feb 3, 2018 16:58 by Flanker256

0.00Mb (1241 downloads)
Boeing 737 reference guide and checklist. This is the FSX default 737 ref. and checklist for users of other sims such as P3D and need to know ref speeds, etc for the B737
Posted Nov 3, 2017 08:56 by chrisE
0.26Mb (236 downloads)
Printable Checklist in .xlsx Format for a Piper Cherokee 180 C.
Posted Feb 22, 2015 06:49 by Gerold Goetz

0.03Mb (514 downloads)
S-76A Corporate Checklist
For those who might enjoy a bit of real world authenticity in their FSX operations, this is the Checklist I used when flying a corporate version of the real aircraft in the 1980's & 90's. It is designed to be printed on both sides of a single 81/2" x 14" piece of paper and folded in quarters for easy use and storage in the cockpit.
All credits go to Nemeth Designs for their fine FS9 model, Michael E. Roberts for his FSX upgrade, and the outstanding helicopter pilots with whom I flew many S-76 variants for over 20 years.
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required file
Posted May 29, 2014 11:38 by Michael Faraday
0.55Mb (1503 downloads)
Descriptions and operating guidelines for the Douglas DC-6's major systems.
Posted Jul 21, 2013 12:41 by Ryan Rice