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Boeing 757-200 TUI Package
Boeing 757-200 TUI Package (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
18.13Mb (871 downloads)
Boeing 757-200 TUI Package. This is a repaint on the TDS (Tenkuu Developers Studio) Boeing 757-200 RR model, in current TUI livery, registration G-OOBA. . The textures are saved in 32 bit format for quality graphics. A special thanks to Luis Castro for the winglet night lighting, and Landing light night lighting by Adam Hamada and the Nick Chinn for the refueling station photos from a real Delta 757 that helped me enhance these textures even more. A special thanks also goes to Adam Hamada , Thomas Muller, and Salman Saikh for digging thru photos to make this the best it could possibly be accuracy wise. In the extra folder you will find a wingflex.xml that includes g-forces on the wings, along with the normal wingflex. This was done by myself and Adam Hamada.
Posted Sep 27, 2018 02:34 by chrisE
B25 WWII bombing mission
B25 WWII bombing mission (Category: FSX > Missions)
2.01Mb (1071 downloads)
From a listing... The first RAF operation with the (B-25J) Mitchell II took place on January 22, 1943, when six aircraft from Nos 98 and 180 Squadron attacked oil installations at Ghent. Things did not go well at all that day. Flak over the target shot down one Mitchell, and Luftwaffe FW 190s pounced on the formation and shot down two more. The above formed my focus for a mission. I chose the closest location in the UK to the English Channel to begin the mission rather than a more distant airport in the interior of the UK. I located Ghent, in Belgium, and added some oil refinery scenery as the intended target.
Posted Sep 26, 2018 17:42 by Don Olsson
FSX/P3D Airbus A319 Chilean Air Force-924
FSX/P3D Airbus A319 Chilean Air Force-924
FSX/P3D Airbus A319 Chilean Air Force-924 (Category: FSX > Military)
56.56Mb (631 downloads)
Airbus A319-100 CFM Fach-924 (Fictional) for: FSX/P3D (up to v4+) Model by: Project Airbus Textures by: juan30005 Gauges to degrees by: juan30005
Posted Sep 26, 2018 16:00 by juan30005
FSX/P3D Airbus A318 Chilean Air Force-923
FSX/P3D Airbus A318 Chilean Air Force-923
FSX/P3D Airbus A318 Chilean Air Force-923 (Category: FSX > Military)
56.79Mb (686 downloads)
Airbus A318-100 CFM Chilean Air Force-923 (fictional) for: FSX/P3D (all versions) Model by: Project Airbus Textures by: juan30005 Gauges to degrees by: juan30005
Posted Sep 26, 2018 15:44 by juan30005
FSX Power Project v5.0
FSX Power Project v5.0
FSX Power Project v5.0 (Category: FSX > Scenery)
3.22Mb (1698 downloads)
A major upgrade of FSXPP v4.2. This new version accurately positions almost 17,000 animated wind turbines around thw World, including more than 5,000 in the UK, 2,400 in Spain, 1,800+ in France, 1,400+ in USA, 1,100+ in Germany & 1,000+ in Australia. Most turbines have their hub heights & blade lengths scaled to their real-world measurements. Almost every UK offshore wind farm is included. The project also accurately positions about 48,000 power pylons to UK photo terrain scenery. Many large radomes, radar dishes & radomes around the World are included. All scenery locations are documented, making it easy to find those that take your interest. The thumbnail screenshots show Lowther Hill atc radar in Scotland & two large radomes overlooking Gaunatanamo Bay naval air station in Cuba.
Posted Sep 26, 2018 12:59 by Ray Porter
FSX Folland GNAT Package
FSX Folland GNAT Package
FSX Folland GNAT Package (Category: FSX > Military)
28.89Mb (1709 downloads)
The Folland GNAT was a British subsonic fighter designed in the late fifties. Original model by Brian Franklin Upgrade to FSX by A.F.Scrub. New panels for wide and standard screen, VC and gauges by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions in the readme.txt file. Enjoy!
Posted Sep 25, 2018 12:36 by philippe Wallaert
St. George Regional KSGU, St. George, Utah
St. George Regional KSGU, St. George, Utah
7.82Mb (316 downloads)
St. George Regional KSGU, St. George, Utah for FSX. The KSGU depicted in the stock FSX scenery was closed in 2011 and operations moved to the new KSGU built approx. 6 miles to the south east. This is the new version, the old one has been removed. As per charts here is no ILS approach for R1, and the localizer for R19 is offset by 7 degrees. See for charts. By Sidney Schwartz
Posted Sep 25, 2018 04:40 by uploader
Swiss Airbus A220-200
Swiss Airbus A220-200 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
10.50Mb (860 downloads)
FSX SWISS Airbus A220-200 V6. Mainly the version 6 is for the new ground animations. New animations and static display has been added from previous versions, including multiple animation effects to one object. Aircraft cockpit featuring a new 2D panel. Note: all CamSim aircraft models included exclusive Animated Ground Servicing (AGS) and static displays. 2d panel but no VC. not compatible with P3D4+. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Sep 25, 2018 04:36 by Camil Valiquette
Swiss Airbus A220-200
Swiss Airbus A220-200 (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
3.20Mb (291 downloads)
FS2004 Swiss Airbus A220-200 AGS V6. Mainly the version 6 is for the new ground animations. New animations and static display has been added from previous versions, including multiple animation effects to one object. Aircraft cockpit featuring a new 2D panel. Note: all CamSim aircraft models included exclusive Animated Ground Servicing (AGS) and static displays. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Sep 25, 2018 04:33 by Camil Valiquette
Swiss Airbus A220-300
Swiss Airbus A220-300 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
10.57Mb (1148 downloads)
FSX SWISS Airbus A220-300 V6. Mainly the version 6 is for the new ground animations. New animations and static display has been added from previous versions, including multiple animation effects to one object. Aircraft cockpit featuring a new 2D panel. Note: all CamSim aircraft models included exclusive Animated Ground Servicing (AGS) and static displays. 2d panel but no VC. not compatible with P3D4+. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Sep 25, 2018 04:32 by Camil Valiquette