All Files > Page 643

FSX/FS9/P3D Boeing 727-200 Sterling Airways Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
11.76Mb (269 downloads)
This is a repaint of the TDS 727-200 in Sterling Airways livery.
Sterling was a prominent Danish tour charter airline based in Copenhagen. It mainly flew to Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and the Far East. You need the freeware 727-200 by TDS for this repaint. Textures are 32 bit. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE, but should work on FS9 & P3D > v4 as well.
Posted Feb 27, 2018 21:47 by Ted Giana

Convair CV440 Aspen textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
6.48Mb (247 downloads)
FS9/FSX Aspen Convair 440 textures for the Greg Pepper/Tom Gibson Convair CV440.
Aspen textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 27, 2018 16:57 by Gary Harper

EHAM - Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, The Netherlands
(Category: Prepar3d > Scenery)
4.16Mb (1195 downloads)
This is Ray Smith's FSX file. Ray has given me permission to modify his file for P3Dv4 and is a very accurate version of Schiphol Airport with two optional files: one version with the Crosswind runways activated and in full operation where all six runways will be used for takeoff/landing and one version as the default airport runway operation. Assigned parking as per their website with extra parking including gates for the A380, where there are dual jetways the static jetways are set to "Very Dense". Taxiways and taxi signs updated to the latest charts, retention ponds and drainage canals added, aviation museum removed which has now moved to Lelystad Airport, fire brigade practice ground and airport support building included, extra fuel trucks, support vehicle roads rebuilt and many other scenery objects and improvements added. Robert Catherall
Posted Feb 27, 2018 10:05 by uploader

FSX/P3D Advanced Landing Ground A-11, Saint Lambert Normandy, France, June, 1944
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
75.78Mb (443 downloads)
This freeware scenery package attempts to represent Advanced Landing Ground A-11 of the US 9th AAF. ALG A-11 was one of 29 Advanced Landing Grounds that dotted the Cotentin Peninsula. Known as Advanced Landing Ground "A-11", the airfield consisted of a single 5000' (1500 m) Square-Mesh Track/Compressed Earth runway aligned 05/23. In addition, tents were used for billeting and also for support facilities; an access road was built to the existing road infrastructure; a dump for supplies, ammunition, and gasoline drums, along with a drinkable water and minimal electrical grid for communications and station lighting. [Excerpted from Wikipedia]. Construction was started on July 27th, 1944. The initial operational date was August 6th, 1944 as the airfield was vacated by September 5th, 1944.
This package was tested in FSXA/P3D3/P3D4. By: Terry Flemming
Posted Feb 27, 2018 07:11 by uploader

Oasis Ranger Station (9FL7), Florida (FL)
(Category: Prepar3d > Scenery)
35.56Mb (121 downloads)
P3D v4 Scenery--Oasis Ranger Station (9FL7), Florida (FL), USA. Freeware scenery of the Oasis Ranger Station and Big Cypress visitor center.
Posted Feb 27, 2018 06:53 by uploader

FSX/P3D (V.3) MAC Flamingo Updated
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
31.81Mb (1411 downloads)
This is re-upload of the the MAC Flamingo, recently posted by Leonardo Santos, who found this beautiful aircraft somewhere on the internet and posted it on behalf of the original designer Craig Richardson. Some users have had some problems installing it right, so here is the whole package again without a self-installer. The package now festures a 2D panel, an extensively modified and enhanced VC with a lot more gauges. New camera views for the passenger cabin and copilot, exhaust smoke as well as thumbnails added. Thanks to Leonardo Santos for finding this rare model and to Craig Richardson for the original model. Panel updates, thumbnails and smoke effect by Michael Pook.
Posted Feb 26, 2018 12:35 by Michael Pook

FSX Dornier 328 Jet
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
25.87Mb (1778 downloads)
The Dornier 328 Jet is a short range twin jet engines aircraft produced between 1996 and 2002. Original design by PAD. VC modifications, 2D panels for wide and standard screen, gauges including GPWS callout by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions in the readme.txt file.
Posted Feb 26, 2018 11:20 by Philippe Wallaert

London Ashford X-HD
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
35.69Mb (614 downloads)
London Ashford or Lydd as it's also knows is a small airfield in the south of England. The airport at this point in time is private traffic only and is perfect for flying into from France due to the airport being located outside the London TCZ.
This scenery uses a few new design tricks to make the scenery "pop" and look that much better.
Posted Feb 26, 2018 04:28 by Mark Piccolo - Soarfly Concepts

FSX/P3D Hawker Hurricane
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
17.24Mb (1452 downloads)
FSX/P3D Hawker Hurricane The Hawker Hurricane is a British single-seat fighter aircraft of the 1930s–1940s that was designed and predominantly built by Hawker Aircraft Ltd for the Royal Air Force (RAF). Although overshadowed by the Supermarine Spitfire, the aircraft became renowned during the Battle of Britain, accounting for 60 percent of the RAF air victories in the battle. It served in all the major theatres of the Second World War. FSX/P3D native GMAX model by A.F.Scrub
Posted Feb 26, 2018 03:59 by A.F.Scrub

Messerschmitt Me-109T updated
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
21.60Mb (692 downloads)
Messerschmitt Me-109T, another great CFS2 plane updated for FS9. Only static VC with non-working gauges, but that is better than nothing. All credits go to the original author, JR Lucariny . All I did was making it flying ok in FS9. Updated the mdl.file, the aircraft.cfg and the air.file, reworked the panels to make the gauges work, putting in some extra panels and put in a new soundfile. Cockpit opens&close, flaps, cowlflaps and tailhook work also. Gun & cannon effects for fun.
Posted Feb 25, 2018 17:01 by Erik Hertzberger