All Files > Page 684

Chileka Airport, Malawi, Photoreal (*UPDATE 3.0)
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
181.78Mb (579 downloads)
(*UPDATE 3.0--> 29-OCTOBER-2017)
**Whats New**:
- Night textures finally added
- Re-modelled and re-positioned buildings.
- Control Tower retextured with photoreal textures.
- Terminal retextured with photoreal textures.
- VIP terminal redesigned and retextured with photoreal textures.
- runway changed to asphault
- Fence near VIP area added
- Photorealistic ground and taxiway textures
- Photorealistic runway textures
- Added localizer
- Added grass
- New runwaylights
Posted Oct 29, 2017 07:15 by Peter Mbirima

FSX Dewoitine D27
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
12.73Mb (661 downloads)
This is the Dewoitine D27, previously updated for FSX by Patrice Grange, with new enhanced VC design and all -more authentic- French gauges for both panels. New 2D panel, smoke and new camera views added. Original model by Patrice Grange, new 2D panel and other updates by Michael Pook.
Posted Oct 29, 2017 07:06 by Michael Pook

FSX Dewoitine 501-510 with new panels
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
12.47Mb (813 downloads)
This is the Dewoitine 501/510, previously updated for FSX by A.F Scrub , with new enhanced VC design and all -more authentic- French gauges for both panels. Smoke and new camera views added. Original model by Craig Richardson, new updates by Michael Pook.
Posted Oct 29, 2017 05:59 by Michael Pook

FSX Dewoitine D520 Regia Aeronautica
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
16.08Mb (607 downloads)
This is an FSX update for the FS2004 Dewoitine D-520, designed by F. Giuli, featuring an FSX compatible gauge configuration for the VC and 2D panel. New smoke, vc light and camera views added. Thanks to F. Giuli for the original model. All updates by Michael Pook. The model will very likely work in P3D as well.
Posted Oct 28, 2017 11:01 by Michael Pook

FSX Breguet Super Bidon updated
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
16.00Mb (1022 downloads)
The Breguet 19 (Breguet XIX, Br.19 or Bre.19) was a light bomber and reconnaissance aircraft, also used for long-distance flights, designed by the French Breguet company and produced from 1924. This is an update of the Breguet 19, designed and posted by A.F. Scrub some time ago. The package features an enhanced VC and a new 2D panel, both with new gauges. New contact points prevents the plane from going havoc on the runway when started. Smoke, vc and nav lights as well as new camera views added. Credits go to A.F. Scrub for the original model and to Yannis Katehis Tsetsas for the gauge compilation. New 2D panel, VC enhancement and contact points by Michael Pook. The model probably works in P3D/3 and
FS2004 as well.
Posted Oct 28, 2017 09:58 by Michael Pook

FSX/P3D > v4 Airbus A320-200 Jetblue Multi Livery package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
133.92Mb (2614 downloads)
FSX/P3D > v4 Airbus A320-200 Jetblue Multi Livery package. Based in New York Kennedy International, Jetblue is the 6th largest airline in the US and currently flies 130 Airbus A320-200. Model by Project Airbus. Added the better Thomas Ruth VC with updates by Chris Evans and Louis Quintero. Use FMC under Views/Instrument panel in FSX menu. (FSX : Go to Views -Instrument Panel. P3D: Go to Vehicle - Instrument panel) I included the great textures by various painters. Original package assembled by Sean Mooney.
Includes FMC by Garret Smith. A320 sounds and manual included. Custom revised package by Chris Evans
Posted Oct 28, 2017 07:56 by chris evans

EETN - Tallinn, Estonia v3.6
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
54.35Mb (1071 downloads)
This software package contains the latest version of Tallinn airport with new taxiways, extended runway (3490 m), new TWR frequency (135.900 MHz) and surrounding obstacles. It is backward compatible with FSX SP2. The scenery was highly optimized to allow all-weather operations. NAV data including SIDs/STARs, waypoints and RNAV routes within Tallinn FIR are up to date (AIRAC effective date 3 AUG 2017). Real NAV charts were helpfully provided by the Estonian ANS (EANS).
Weather Explorer is a stand-alone program requiring Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7 or later.
Posted Oct 28, 2017 07:38 by Uploader

P3D/FSX North American A5 Vigilante WMO Package
(Category: FSX > Military)
41.08Mb (1902 downloads)
FSX/P3D (up to v4+) North American A5 Vigilante World Meteorological Organisation Package (fictional).
A5 turned into meteorological research airplane.
Original ex-payware model by Virtavia converted to FSX native format by LLS. Great VC included!
Assembled for FSX Acceleration by Chris Evans. Textures by J Lopez
Posted Oct 27, 2017 04:13 by JALopezR

Ai Traffic Sound Pack V1.6
(Category: FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds)
198.46Mb (2030 downloads)
39 various Ai Traffic Sound for FSX/P3D + Cfg files for 8 AI Traffic addons :(WOAI, IVAO, UT2, ICEAI, SkyAi, TrafficX, MyTraffic and Orbx).
Video sample :
Posted Oct 26, 2017 19:27 by Kairi Akai

FSX/P3D 3 & 4 Heinkel He 51 4 livery pack
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
33.61Mb (2501 downloads)
FSX/P3D 3 & 4 Heinkel He 51 4 livery pack. Simple assembly of this high quality model and VC to include the following liveries: Swiss, Italian, German and Russian. The Heinkel He 51 was a German single-seat biplane which was produced in a number of different versions. It was initially developed as a fighter, a seaplane variant and a ground-attack version were also developed. It was a development of the earlier He 49. 1st put into service in 1935 it was retired in 1939 but continued in Spain until 1952. Model created by Craig Richardson. Paint by Craig Richardson and Bernard Lechner. Packaged for P3D 4/3 and FSX by Chris Evans
Posted Oct 26, 2017 09:20 by chris evans