All Files > Page 808

FS2004/FSX Seafire MkXVII
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
8.77Mb (1340 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Seafire MkXVII
The Supermarine Seafire, or Sea Spitfire (the official name), was a naval development of the Spitfire, and was the first modern carrier based fighter fielded by the Royal Navy. The Seafire F Mk XVII was a modified Mk XV; the most important changes were the teardrop canopy, reinforced main undercarriage which used longer oleos and a lower rebound ratio. This went some way towards taming the deck behaviour of the Mk XV, reduced the propensity of the propeller tips "pecking" the deck during an arrested landing and the softer oleos stopped the aircraft from occasionally bouncing over the arrestor wires and into the crash barrier. This is a new model by A.F.Scrub. It is fully working in FS2004 and FSX.
Posted Nov 23, 2016 16:55 by A.F.Scrub

FSX/P3D Airbus A330-200 Air Algerie package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
45.94Mb (2685 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-200 Air Algerie package for FSX. Air Algerie is Algeria's national airline and currently operates 8 Airbus A330-200 to destinations throughout Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. The A330-200 has a range of around 8300miles/13,400km. Includes VC. Model by Thomas Ruth. Added the better Thomas Ruth VC with updates by Chris Evans and Louis Quintero. Use FMC under Views/Instrument panel in FSX menu. (FSX : Go to Views -Instrument Panel. P3D: Go to Vehicle - Instrument panel) I included the quality textures by John Hancock. Also fixed contact points so wheels don't sink into ground.
Includes FMC by Garret Smith. A330 sounds and manual included. Custom packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Nov 23, 2016 08:11 by chris evans

Fokker100 Air Panama
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
15.39Mb (1554 downloads)
Project Fokker 100 Air Panama is one of the Panamanian airlines operating in Panama City, David of Panama, Sjo Etc. This package contains the complete model realistic sound and texture of high resolution. Texture by Santiago Spears.
Posted Nov 22, 2016 17:01 by Santiago Spears

Boeing 777-200LRF Aerologic
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
43.05Mb (1103 downloads)
Boeing 777-200LRF Aerologic. Aerologic is a German air cargo company. This package contains the high resolution sound and texture model. Model by Skyspirit
Posted Nov 22, 2016 16:39 by Santiago Spears

KI-43-1 Hayabusa
(Category: CFS2 > Aircraft)
5.37Mb (778 downloads)
Ki-43-1 Hayabusa. Detailed skins and wide screen panel. All files included.
Posted Nov 22, 2016 15:37 by Morton

F8F Bearcat
(Category: CFS2 > Aircraft)
4.19Mb (680 downloads)
F8F Bearcat detailed skins and wide screen panel.
All files included
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 22, 2016 15:32 by Morton

F2H Banshee
(Category: CFS2 > Aircraft)
9.23Mb (697 downloads)
Detailed skins and realistic wide screen panel.
All files included
Posted Nov 22, 2016 15:27 by Morton

FSX/FS2004 SJO - Liberia Nature Air Scenery and AI Aircraft -410 UVP-E for AI
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
4.12Mb (1030 downloads)
Nature Air AI 2016-2017 FS2004 / FSX package. Nature Air completes traffic pack (Costa Rica) AI for FS2004 and FSX. Includes the new Let 410 aircraft, textures, complete AI flight plans for high season 2016-2017 and instructions. Excellent for use with the Mega Costa Rica Pack and the landscape of Roberto J. Leiva. Designed by Santiago Spears
Posted Nov 21, 2016 20:17 by Santiago Spears

Le Mans 4 FSX Maserati MC12 Series
(Category: FSX > Misc)
25.79Mb (763 downloads)
Le Mans 4 FSX Maserati MC12 Prototypes 30, 31 and 32
Derived from opensource, and as freeware, the Le Mans 4 FSX Maserati MC12 Prototypes are specifically built for the Le Mans 4 FSX Racing circuits.
Note: Normal top speed is about 220 where the original built for Le Mans hit 207 MPH. Enable War Powers as a convient button to add boost for 240 MPH. But make sure you disable the boost when wanting to slow down for the chicanes, corner at Arnage, and through the Porsche curves in Le Mans 4 FSX.
Posted Nov 21, 2016 16:04 by Orion K. Daley

Le Mans 4 FSX Audi Ultra LMP1 Updated
(Category: FSX > Misc)
8.99Mb (624 downloads)
This is an updated version of the Le Mans 4 FSX Audi Ultra LMP1 - It includes, suspension adjustments for further stability at 270+ MPH down the Mulsanne Straight in Le Mans 4 FSX; and a tighter turning radius so to make the corner at Arnage at a higher speed. Additionally, night textures and headlamps are included for night racing as this is expected in the 24 hour endurance race.
This is an entire replacement, so just swap out your previous install with this one - and have fun night racing too !
Posted Nov 21, 2016 13:10 by Orion K. Daley