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FSToolkit (Category: Prepar3d > Utilities)
0.24Mb (671 downloads)
FSToolkit is a growing all-in-one free instructor station and toolkit for FSX and Prepar3D. Features - Approach/STAR setup system - Landing performance recording and gradings - Weather builder - METAR Lookup (VATSIM) - METAR Converter (To SimConnect) - Crosswind/Drift Calculator - Time and Weather Sync - Streamer settings and outputs for OBS/XSplit - VAS and FPS monitoring - Basic Failure support - Almost Daily updates
Posted Nov 15, 2016 04:33 by Daniel Gallacher
FSX/P3D Bombardier CRJ-700 Shandong Airlines package
FSX/P3D Bombardier CRJ-700 Shandong Airlines package
26.09Mb (2557 downloads)
FSX/P3D Bombardier CRJ-700 Shandong Airlines package. Shandong is a modern Chinese airline owned by Air China. Currently (2016) Shandong operates a fleet of around 100 aircraft of which 2 are CRJ-700. Model by Project Opensky with VC. Upgraded VC by Robert Taylor, includes HUD, GPWS, better VC textures. I have and added Honeywell FMC (Instrument panel - Views) and revised MFD. High quality model with opening doors and stairs. All credit to the fantastic talents of the Project Opensky team. Thanks to Nick Botamer for the great textures. Other updates by Chris Evans.
Posted Nov 14, 2016 02:59 by chris evans
Boeing 787-8 Satena Package
Boeing 787-8 Satena Package
Boeing 787-8 Satena Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
95.39Mb (1260 downloads)
Satena Boeing 787-8 (fictional). This is a full package with new enhanced VC. Model by TDS with advanced 737-800 VC added. The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND revised Boeing 737-800 VC model blended with Ken Wiggington's work on the default 737 VC. Base assembly by Chris Evans. Visit for more repaints
Posted Nov 13, 2016 03:06 by Jose T. Campomanes
Larnaka LCLK, Cyprus
Larnaka LCLK, Cyprus (Category: FSX > Scenery)
6.36Mb (2280 downloads)
Larnaka LCLK, Cyprus, for FSX. Completely re-done. Adds new terminal and taxiways. Custom buildings. Realish. The only additional files required is my Lights SS V2+ object library, link below. By Sidney Schwartz
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 13, 2016 03:04 by uploader
Airbus A320-214 Brussels Airlines "Heart of Belgium" Package
Airbus A320-214 Brussels Airlines "Heart of Belgium" Package
81.40Mb (2456 downloads)
This is an special (fictional) livery of Brussels Airlines, painted in the Heart of Belgium livery that i have made. I also named it to my girlfreind Sharona, who inspired me to make this livery. This pack includes the texture of the special paint and also: VC, GPWS, FLy-by-wire controls, FMC, Effects, PA A320 model, and cool alpha's for the shiny look. Model by Project Airbus. Repaint by Mees Jansen REG: OO-SNG
Posted Nov 12, 2016 16:18 by Mees Jansen
Martin B-26 Marauder Luftwaffe.
Martin B-26 Marauder Luftwaffe. (Category: FSX > Vintage)
6.71Mb (978 downloads)
FSX/FSX acceleration Martin B-26 Marauder Luftwaffe. The Martin B-26 Marauder was a World War II twin-engine medium bomber built by the Glenn L. Martin Company. First used in the Pacific Theater in early 1942, it was also used in the Mediterranean Theater and in Western Europe. After entering service with the U.S. Army, the aircraft received the reputation of a "Widowmaker" due to the early models' high rate of accidents during takeoff and landings. This is an upgrade of David Eckerts Marauder. Tested and flown in FSX/FSXacceleration and Windows7. Converted by A.F.Scrub. Textures by Liao Yitong
Posted Nov 12, 2016 08:31 by Liao Yitong
Cathay Pacific Cargo Updated Livery Boeing 747-8F [B-LJN]
Cathay Pacific Cargo Updated Livery Boeing 747-8F [B-LJN]
66.70Mb (1478 downloads)
What is new about this model: 1.New Engine and pylon 2.Updated wing shape. 3.New Trailing edge flap guide which drives the flap. 4.New Leading edge VC flap and Krueger flaps it's sealed -> Gapped. 5.Updated Wingroot at fuselage side 6.Added lower fore fuselage texture so that can paint LOGO's on lower bottom fuselage. 7.Added Extra Nose gear taxi lights which became standard . 8.Fixed the bodygear door retruct animations. 9.Spoiler animation are now controled by XML guages. 10.New tires 11.N2Gen Intake added 12.Refueling service and service door. 13.GPU line and GND PWR Door 14.Wingroot fore side shape is changed. 15.Custom GE soundpack 16.Highly detailed 747 panel 17.HQ GPWS soundpack Textures and packaged by Kacey North
Posted Nov 11, 2016 21:45 by KaceyNorth
Rescue at the Matterhorn
Rescue at the Matterhorn (Category: FSX > Missions)
2.30Mb (1501 downloads)
Take off from Zermatt, Switzerland, rescue an injured mountain climber near the Matterhorn & return to Zermatt. Aircraft used is the Bell Jet Ranger. A fairly easy mission with only the Matterhorn scenery suggested as a download.
Posted Nov 11, 2016 16:30 by Donald Olsson
FSX service pack update
FSX service pack update
FSX service pack update (Category: FSX > Misc)
2.85Mb (1999 downloads)
This is an update for FSX that some people may be unaware they need. It contains an exe file that will install a missing portion of service pack 1 that was left out of Acceleration. The .dll file in the other folder may be needed for those who have FSX crash when accessing menus; or as happened to me, needed to be there so FSX Acceleration did not crash early each session while running under Windows 8.1. The SP1 update also makes it possible to see carriers in Acceleration that otherwise would not be able to be seen. These files are on the internet for anyone to download, but I don't remember coming across an update like this to bring people's attention to them.
Posted Nov 11, 2016 15:09 by Bob Chicilo
Boeing 777-9X Etihad Airways
Boeing 777-9X Etihad Airways (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
18.28Mb (1330 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing 777-9X Etihad Airways. Boeing launched the B777-9X at the Dubai Air Show on Sunday 17th was the official day of the launch of the Boeing 777-9X. Model by Hiroshi Igami. Features: dynamic flexing wings, body gear steering under 15kt above 1kt, nose gear steering under 60kt above 1kt, rudder lock under 60kt above 1kt, ground spoiler only works on ground, low speed aileron locks at high speed, fully animated control surfaces, fully independent suspension, trim animation, opening passenger doors, animated tilting bogies, rolling wheels, animated thrust reversers, detailed textures, full night lighting, crash affects, ground service vehicles when cargo door open and more. By: Aziz Polash
Posted Nov 11, 2016 03:24 by chris evans