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CFS1 > Page 161
0.39Mb (299 downloads)
CFS Elevated Mesh Scenery Design Program (TMAPUP1)This is an update file for CfsTmap that adds the options of using the new CFS/FS2000 Elevated Mesh commands. Includes a Classlist Generator. Update only. You will require the original Program archive ( By Martin Wright. 400K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            Aircraft Organiser Utility
1.47Mb (1311 downloads)
CFS/FS98/FS2000 Aircraft Organiser Utility A simple utility that allows you to move 'Aircraft' folders between the FS98 folder and an archive folder. It saves the user having a large number of planes stored in t he FS98/2000 'Aircraft' directory. By Jason Cunningham. (Note: although it requests 'FS98' location - it will work equally well if you select the CFS location during set-up). 1.44MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
3.04Mb (1132 downloads)
CFS Kill Calculator: In use every day to train the United States Naval Combat Pilots. The Formula is incorporated into this program to give the user a way to tally up their kills and how they would stand up in a real situation in flight. The Calculator is designed to be robust so that any squadron can tailor the points to their needs by typing in a point value into the program. By VMF513_Viper aka Dan Rivera. 3.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
CFS1 / CFS2 weapons-files for DPED.exe V.2. CFS / CFS2 weapons-files for DPED.exe Here are the nearly complete barrel armament for CFS and CFS2. These DAT-files are additions to the program DPED, made by "FLYMAN" Mr. Yusaku Homma. It is the second edition. DAT-files by Hilmar Rülke. 13K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
0.29Mb (1369 downloads)
CFS Quick Combat Editor (now v2.2.0) "Are you a fan of Microsoft's Combat Flight Simulator series? Unsure about how to add imported aircraft to the Quick Combat list? This application allows you to add and remove aircraft with ease to any category within Microsoft CFS Quick Combat. Even add new categories! No more manual editing of 'qc_plane.qcb'!" Changes in this version: - Now supports multiple installs of CFS1 and/or CFS2 - Improved help - Incorporated XP style interface (when run under Windows XP) By Jaesen Jones 263KB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
0.13Mb (1904 downloads)
Instfiles: Here's a little program that can help install files, whether to CFS1, CFS2 or anywhere on a drive. Create a control file that tells it what to do and where. Put all the files to install, the control file and this program into a single directory and run it. The program will put all the files into the indicated directories, whether planes, missions, campaigns, scenery or some other file type. It can install, rename or delete files depending on what the control file tells it to do. Have CFS(1 or 2) in some other directory, no problem as you can pick the directory to start in. You can even install non CFS files. PCH Paul Hauschildt. 134K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            TEST II, an aircraft testing module for CFS1
0.07Mb (730 downloads)
AIR TEST II, an aircraft testing module for CFS1 So, you have down loaded that new add on aircraft and flown it in free flight. But what about the acid test of combat. "Air test," gives you the chance to try out your new acquisition before going to all the bother of writing missions for it. This updated version contains both the original readme file explaining manual changes of aircraft, plus a new aircraft selection program. By Michael Robinson and Richard Steele. 68K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            Gauges and Panel.cfg Uninstaller
2.81Mb (1341 downloads)
FS98/CFS Gauges and Panel.cfg Uninstaller This an application that allow you to delete a "Panel.cfg" file with the gauges files used by it. Will not delete gauges used by other panels. This application was developed in Visual Basic. It doesnt require any file. By Manuel Ambulo . 2.9MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            .dp file editor "DPED" Version 0.95
0.30Mb (1738 downloads)
CFS .dp file editor "DPED" Version 0.95 This version is for CFS, not for CFS2. By Yusaku Homma. 308K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
CFS1 Oboe Recovery
0.10Mb (427 downloads)
CFS1 Oboe Recovery. My tribute to Wg/Cdr Barton CBE,OBE, who flew an unbelievably true mission involving flying a Pathfinder Mosquito to occupied France to retrieve the very secret 'OBOE' radar from a shot down allied aircraft under the noses of the enemy. A mission of cunning, tactics, and stealth. Where you should achieve TOTAL SUCCESS without firing a round. Stock CFS 1 aircraft plus Mosquito included. By Terry Baldwin.
Posted Jun 3, 2008 03:35 by Terry Baldwin