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CFS2 > Page 281
0.24Mb (769 downloads)
CFS2 AI engine replacement sounds II Replacement sounds for multi-engine,radial and inline AI aircraft in CFS2 by Michael Cassetti. 244K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
0.17Mb (694 downloads)
CFS Bullet Impact Replacement. Stereo Sound enhanced with the metal to metal ping of bullets as they bounce around your cockpit. Replaces COMBAT FLIGHT SIM.s RND_IMP.WAV file. By Louieg. 174K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            French screen pack for CFS2
1.41Mb (659 downloads)
Free French screen pack for CFS2 - Only made for people speaking french, read-me text in french. To use with "single mission" or "campaigns". Made by Cyrille KILANOWSKI(France), . Pack d'écrans de scènes pour voler sous les couleurs des Forces Françaises Libres. Grades, décorations, tout est inclus. 1.3 MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            2 BattleTech Storm Crow Strike 'Mech
0.73Mb (419 downloads)
CFS 2 BattleTech Storm Crow Strike 'Mech. This vehicle is a fictional BattleMech from the BattleTech universe. The Storm Crow was designed to fill a gap that I saw within the BT universe...the lack of any deep strike capability by armoured vehicles. I based the design for the Storm Crow on the MadCat MkII in Microsoft's MechWarrior 4. I felt that the MKII was one of the most aggressive looking of the designs, and it has the advantage of not being familiar to the old time BT crwod...this allows some freedom with modifications. Stephen Daly. 750K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            for Combat Flight Simulator 2 only
0.03Mb (996 downloads)
Gromit for Combat Flight Simulator 2 only. This is a multi res model just for fun. Includes blinking eyes on Gromit, flapping helmet straps when engine powered up, animated gear and gun. To install simply run the exe file and follow instructions By Stuart Green. 386K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            Fly -
0.16Mb (1561 downloads)
CFS2 Fly - Makes all CFS2 AI aircraft player flyable! This zip contains modifications by "Airbuddah" and "WW" needed to make all the non-flyable AI aircarft in CFS2 flyable by the player. 160K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
0.41Mb (687 downloads)
SERGEANT BATTLEFIELD SHORT RANGE MISSILE. The reason I did it like this is because the whole missile is supposed to impact target.Range is about 300 miles. Sergeant and Sergeantb were made by me,JOCOOL.They are FREEWARE DO NOT SELL THEM Panel and sounds were made by MATMOXON Rocket exhaust was made by Jeff Delhaye AKA Wuhwuzdat Nuke effects are the Manhaton project. Gerald Goldsmith. 424K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            Early Cruise Missile
0.24Mb (653 downloads)
Mace Early Cruise Missile. Apply full flaps and throttle,press "L" key to activate booster "E" key to start jet engine and you are off. After you are about 300 feet altitude press "L" key again to deactivate booster effect,press bomb realese to drop booster.Raise gear and flaps. When you are at the target dive toward it let off the throttle apply full flaps and spoilers and hit bomb realese to spawn another Mace missile that you can watch destroy target.Have fun. Gerald Goldsmith. 247K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
              entirely new package for Romania
4.66Mb (357 downloads)
Update: Universal Screen Designers brings you another set of background Screens for CFS2. This is an entirely new package for Romania It's multi-language with it's own self-install, installing the files and updating your country.cfg file. They're here for your enjoyment. This package has been corrected to include the background screens missing from the first version. PCH Paul Hauschildt. 4.7MB Fix - for those who already have the 1st version. Romania backgrounds for CFS2 correction. Version 1 of the Romania install by Universal Screen Designers had an error. Some screens were missed in creating the install. To correct this, take the screen files in this package and drop them into the Uires subdirectory of CFS2.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
0.22Mb (545 downloads)
SET CAMERA VIEWS in tutorial *FOR FS98/CFS/CFS2/FS2K. Change the way your FS displays the aircaft in Select Aircraft. by JESSY CORRALES. 222K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive