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CFS2 > Page 297
30.18Mb (913 downloads)
CFS2 USAAF, Materials and Transport Commands, Unified Mission_1_H. Land of the Rising Sun Readying for takeoff at dawn, the rising sun on the horizon reminds you of the urgency to get this plane off the ground and headed home. You are the last transport out of Henderson Field, and even as you start up your engines you know that the Japanese are only minutes away with a large bomber force. Last plane out, no one wants that job, but you were selected for your superior ability to get things done. All night long the air has been filled with aircraft and flack, strange the way the exploding flack looks somewhat like the Fourth of July, but you also hear the sound of airplanes falling from the sky. The enemy has put up an anti-aircraft flack net, and you have to go through it, worse, they won't be firing at the sound of your engines, you they'll see. How do you get through the flack? How do you manuver and evade what you can't see until the sounds of anti aircraft flack begins to explode around you? You can overcome the flack and what ever else may be out there, but you have to think ahead of the "game". Few have made all rhe way through the first time, are you up to the challange? 30.9MB
Posted Nov 29, 2007 13:25 by archive
30.16Mb (845 downloads)
CFS2 USAAF, Materials and Transport Commands, Unified Mission_1_M You will take off at dawn, the rising sun on the horizon sends a chill down your neck, there is something ominous about that scene. You get a knot in your throat, and your stomache feels like it's doing the Texas Two Step ... you have the down to the bones feeling that this is not going to be a routine flight. To the enemy, your unarmed cargo plane is considered a bomber, it's fair game to attack, and you know that well. Remember Henshaw and his crew, they never stood a chance, the Zekes came out of the sun at 10,000 feet and made their attack, not even a hint until the bullets hit their mark, taking out the left wind screen, then the left engine, they toyed with him for 15 minutes before the plane fell in pieces into the ocean. You have to ask yourself, is it today you join Henshaw. Think about that, plan your evasive manueuvers,think about the cost of failure, and think, think hard, just don't panic because if you do, that's when the mind shuts down and then you make a mistake. Make a mistake out here and telegrams go to your family. 30.9MB
Posted Nov 29, 2007 13:25 by archive
            USAAF, Materials and Transport Commands, Unified Mission_1_E
30.05Mb (1352 downloads)
CFS2 USAAF, Materials and Transport Commands, Unified Mission_1_E You will take off at dawn, the rising sun on the horizon reminds you that in spite the beauty of the area, there really is war going on. Today's mission will take you out of Henderson Field returning to your home base. This is both a shake down flight and a familierism with the aircraft. You'll drive right seat, your co-pilot will talk you through the auto pilot,as you and the plane get to know each other. Just follow the co-pilots instructions, it's his plane, but he's being transfered out Stateside along with the rest of his crew. Your own crew is also on board, picking up tips from the men they will replace. So there it is, a litle return cargo, two sets of crew, what could go wrong? Maybe nothing, but there is a war on. 30.7MB
Posted Nov 29, 2007 13:25 by archive
            Flight 19 Charlie Carter’s Singleplayer-Mission
4.45Mb (1239 downloads)
CFS2 Flight 19 Charlie Carter’s Singleplayer-Mission. With this program you can install all the needed stuff on your hard drive automatically. On December 5th, 1945, five Avenger torpedo bombers left the Naval Air Station at Fort Lauderdale for a training mission. They never returned home. Flight leader was Flt.Lt. Charles C. Taylor. The other pilots were Capt. Edward J. Powers, Capt. George W. Stivers, 2nd Lt. Forrest J. Gerber and Ens. Joseph T. Bossi. At 3.50pm that afternoon flight instructor Lt. Robert F. "Bob" Cox was ready to land at Fort Lauderdale. He heard a radio transmission addressed to someone named Powers. Powers replied, "I don't know where we are. We must have got lost after that last turn." So now in this mission you are Robert F. "Bob" Cox. Try to find out what happened ... Enjoy and have fun Charlie *Chuck* Carter. 4.5MB
Posted Nov 29, 2007 13:25 by archive
            VT 3 Attacks ! -
0.04Mb (1774 downloads)
CFS2 VT 3 Attacks ! - Mission for the stock Douglas TBD-1 Devastator (you need make it flyable). June 4th, 1942 ... a great japanese striking force is heading to Midway island. Since the first hours of this morning the Midway-based bombers attacked the enemy fleet, it´s time for the carrier-based torpedo planes. On the carrier USS Yorktown, a group of 12 TBDs is ready and warming up. Target: the japanese fleet. You fly as CAP Wilhelm Esders, in the first section - first division of Devastators. By Enrique Godoy. 42K
Posted Nov 29, 2007 13:25 by archive
            Oil Strike on North Base Mission
0.09Mb (963 downloads)
CFS2 Oil Strike on North Base Mission: Special Tactics: • Assign your wingmen to the tankers adjacent to Kristina (to the right). • As you enter the primary target area open fire with all guns, then as you get close enough drop your bombs. if you feel you can do it, fly to secondary target area and strafe the ships there, mission outcome will not be effected. Robert Coady. 91K
Posted Nov 29, 2007 13:25 by archive
            Star Wars Intercept the Dark Side Mission
0.44Mb (2059 downloads)
CFS2 Star Wars Intercept the Dark Side Mission. 456K
Posted Nov 29, 2007 13:25 by archive
            Black Cat Strike:
0.19Mb (1480 downloads)
CFS2 Black Cat Strike: Intelligence reports that the Japanese are massing large forces in Rabaul for transport to New Guinea (setting up The Battle of the Bismarck Sea in Mar 1943). The only force in Henderson with the range to attack Rabaul at this time is your reconnaisance squadron, equipped with PBY-5A "Black Cats" and a few long range P-38s. 197K
Posted Nov 29, 2007 13:25 by archive
0.00Mb (972 downloads)
CFS2 Mission Challenge 1: Through Flak Hell 1, Short Range If you are a real hotshot CFS2 pilot try and brave the flak from Lakunai. Level 1: Short Range By Bombardier 3K
Posted Nov 29, 2007 13:25 by archive
0.56Mb (1346 downloads)
CFS2 "Bridges of ToKoRi-Skyraider" Mission. I've been hearing in forums and at Korea Vet sights that the Skyraider and the Skyraider pilots were the real attackers of the North Korean bridge missions that the movie "Bridges of ToKoRi" was based on. By Jim Jacobson. 569K
Posted Nov 29, 2007 13:25 by archive