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 CFS2 BF-109G14
 CFS2 BF-109G14
14.60Mb (63 downloads)
AW BF-109G14 VER 1.2 (new propeller animation) Visual model : acwai Textures : Phanis The rudder without the swastika is also included. Damage profiles : acwai Airfile by : acwai, it was tuned to fight against the stock CFS2 Zero aircraft in the multi-player mode. You can use any BF-109G6 airfiles. 2D panel: acwai The sound files are not provided, you can use the sound from the BF-109G6 by the Daedalus Design Group. The drop fuel tank, centerline pylons and 250kg bomb used in the DP file are also designed by them. The 50kg bombs and rockets are designed by Simtech. Special animation (CFS2 Wingfold key) : Shift+W to open/close the engine cover. DISCLAIMER Use this program at you own risks, the author is not responsible for any damages done to your computer. This is a copyrighted freeware program. Have fun! Andrew
Posted Jul 8, 2022 05:38 by andrew wai
15.77Mb (77 downloads)
AW BF-109G6 VER 1.2 (new propeller animation) Visual model : acwai Textures : Phanis The rudder without the swastika is also included. Damage profiles : acwai Airfile by : acwai, it was tuned to fight against the stock CFS2 Zero aircraft in the multi-player mode. You can use any BF-109G6 airfiles. 2D panel: acwai The sound files are not provided, you can use the sound from the new BF-109G6 by the Daedalus Design Group. The drop fuel tank, centerline pylons and 250kg bomb used in the DP file are also designed by them. The 50kg bombs and rockets are designed by Simtech. Special animation (CFS2 Wingfold key) : Shift+W to open/close the engine cover. DISCLAIMER Use this program at you own risks, the author is not responsible for any damages done to your computer. This is a copyrighted freeware program. Have fun! Andrew
Posted Jul 8, 2022 05:23 by andrew wai
CFS2 FW-190A8-1
CFS2 FW-190A8-1
10.73Mb (75 downloads)
AW FW-190A8 Version 1.1 JUNE 2022 (new propeller animation) Visual model: acwai Texture files: Huub Vink, Phanis, acwai, Alessandro. Some were modified from an unknown author. Damage profiles: acwai Airfile: by acwai, it was tuned to fight against the stock CFS2 Zero aircraft in the multi-player mode. You can use any FW-190A8 airfiles. 2D panel: captured from the VC, painted by Huub Vink The sound files are not provided, you can download the sound from sim-outhouse. Weapons: I used the text from Daedalus Design Group. Gauges: I modified some of the gauges, I don't know the original designers of those gauges. See the readme.txt in the gauges folder. DISCLAIMER Use this program at you own risks, the author is not responsible for any damages done to your computer. This is a copyrighted freeware program. Have fun! Andrew
Posted Jul 8, 2022 05:18 by andrew wai
CFS2 FW-190A8-2
CFS2 FW-190A8-2
12.04Mb (71 downloads)
AW FW-190A8 Version 1.1 JUNE 2022 (new propeller animation) Visual model: acwai Texture files: Huub Vink, Phanis, acwai, Alessandro. Some were modified from an unknown author. Damage profiles: acwai Airfile: by acwai, it was tuned to fight against the stock CFS2 Zero aircraft in the multi-player mode. You can use any FW-190A8 airfiles. 2D panel: captured from the VC, painted by Huub Vink The sound files are not provided, you can download the sound from sim-outhouse. Weapons: I used the text from Daedalus Design Group. Gauges: I modified some of the gauges, I don't know the original designers of those gauges. See the readme.txt in the gauges folder. DISCLAIMER Use this program at you own risks, the author is not responsible for any damages done to your computer. This is a copyrighted freeware program. Have fun! Andrew
Posted Jul 8, 2022 05:16 by andrew wai
CFS2 FW-190A8-3
CFS2 FW-190A8-3
11.27Mb (54 downloads)
AW FW-190A8 Version 1.1 JUNE 2022 (new propeller animation) Visual model: acwai Texture files: Huub Vink, Phanis, acwai, Alessandro. Some were modified from an unknown author. Damage profiles: acwai Airfile: by acwai, it was tuned to fight against the stock CFS2 Zero aircraft in the multi-player mode. You can use any FW-190A8 airfiles. 2D panel: captured from the VC, painted by Huub Vink The sound files are not provided, you can download the sound from sim-outhouse. Weapons: I used the text from Daedalus Design Group. Gauges: I modified some of the gauges, I don't know the original designers of those gauges. See the readme.txt in the gauges folder. DISCLAIMER Use this program at you own risks, the author is not responsible for any damages done to your computer. Have fun! Andrew
Posted Jul 8, 2022 05:05 by andrew wai
12.04Mb (52 downloads)
AW FW-190A8 Version 1.1 JUNE 2022 (new propeller animation) Visual model: acwai Texture files: Huub Vink, Phanis, acwai, Alessandro. Some were modified from an unknown author. Damage profiles: acwai Airfile: by acwai, it was tuned to fight against the stock CFS2 Zero aircraft in the multi-player mode. You can use any FW-190A8 airfiles. 2D panel: captured from the VC, painted by Huub Vink The sound files are not provided, you can download the sound from sim-outhouse. Weapons: I used the text from Daedalus Design Group. Gauges: I modified some of the gauges, I don't know the original designers of those gauges. See the readme.txt in the gauges folder. DISCLAIMER Use this program at you own risks, the author is not responsible for any damages done to your computer. This is a copyrighted freeware program. Have fun! Andrew
Posted Jun 27, 2022 17:05 by andrew wai
10.76Mb (48 downloads)
AW FW-190A8 Version 1.1 JUNE 2022 (new propeller animation) Visual model: acwai Texture files: Huub Vink, Phanis, acwai, Alessandro. Some were modified from an unknown author. Damage profiles: acwai Airfile: by acwai, it was tuned to fight against the stock CFS2 Zero aircraft in the multi-player mode. You can use any FW-190A8 airfiles. 2D panel: captured from the VC, painted by Huub Vink The sound files are not provided, you can download the sound from sim-outhouse. Weapons: I used the text from Daedalus Design Group. Gauges: I modified some of the gauges, I don't know the original designers of those gauges. See the readme.txt in the gauges folder. DISCLAIMER Use this program at you own risks, the author is not responsible for any damages done to your computer. This is a copyrighted freeware program. Have fun! Andrew
Posted Jun 27, 2022 17:03 by andrew wai
Aich D3A2 model 22 Val
3.11Mb (282 downloads)
Aichi D3A2 model 22 Val During the early years of the pacific war, the Val was a highly effective and feared aircraft but this gradually changed as the war progressed. When the US Navy sank the 4 of the most important Japanese aircraft carriers during the battle of Midway, many Vals and their experienced pilots were lost. Based on combat experiences, the designers from Aichi tried to improve the top speed of the D3A1 model 11 by replacing its engine with the much more powerful Kinsei 54 (take-off power: 1300 HP). This modification went into mass-production in August of 1942 as the Aichi D3A2 model 22, and was delivered to units during fall of 1942. By this point however, the new D4Y1 Judy dive bomber was already available and in mass-production. The D4Y became the standard carrier dive-bomber of the Japanese navy. The D3A2 Vals were then stationed on land-based airfields as well as on smaller carriers which the D4Y couldn’t land on because of its higher landing speed. The increase in speed compared to the D3A1 however did not prevent the D3A2 from being nothing but cannon fodder for the new US fighters like the Hellcat and Corsair. Squadrons equipped with D3A2s suffered catastrophic losses and they weren’t able to deal any significant damage to allied naval vessels anymore. At the beginning of 1944 many D3A2s were modified and sent to training units, receiving the designation D3A2-K, but the D3A2 continued in service until the end of the war mainly as a kamikaze aircraft. Production of the D3A2 was completely stopped in June 1944. In total 470 D3A1s, and 1016 D3A2s were produced. The D3A remains one of the most iconic planes ever produced by the Japanese. It sank at least 16 allied warships which makes it one of the most successful dive-bombers of all time. Using the D3A1 by Akemi as a starting reference, the D3A2 model and textures were developed by Captain Kurt. The pilot figures are Wolfi's freeware Japanese pilot .fsc source file. The prop spinning texture is by Kelticheart. The 2D panel background image is by Morton, much modified to more closely match the model VC. The gauges are by Microsoft, FDG, JWB and Martin Klein. The Bombs are by Allen. The air files are by Akemi, modified to D3A2 specs. The rear gunner and canopy opening are activated by the retract gear command.
Posted May 22, 2022 14:04 by Captain Kurt
Bristol F2b
11.77Mb (152 downloads)
The Bristol F2b fighter Any discussion of World War I air combat usually brings to mind the image of nimble single-seat fighters engaged in dogfights above the trenches, aircraft such as the S.E.5, Sopwith Camel, Nieuport and Spad. At the time however, one of the most formidable fighter planes of the period was a single-engine two-seater, the Bristol F2b, which was generally known as the Bristol Fighter or the "Brisfit". The F.2B was regarded as a great success in its day. It was among the few aircraft to remain in production after hostilities ended and was on active military service long after WWI. The Royal Air Force did not retire the last of its F2b's until 1931, and many Bristol Fighters served in other air arms, including the U.S. Army Air Service. The model, textures, panel, and air files are by Captain Kurt. The pilot figures were developed from Wolfi's freeware Japanese pilot .fsc source file. The prop spinning texture is by Kelticheart. Sound is by Gary Jones British 25 lb Cooper bombs are from the 'Aerocrate Misc. Uires and' by Gary Aumaugher Gauges are by Martin Klein, Bastian Hundt, Horst Weingartner and Microsoft.
Posted Mar 23, 2022 18:00 by Captain Kurt
Breguet XIV A2
6.51Mb (137 downloads)
Breguet built XIV A2 of French escadrille Br.11, November 1917 The Breguet XIV This aircraft was the outstanding French day bomber/reconnaissance aircraft of World War I. The Breguet XIV A2 reconnaissance version and the Breguet XIV B2 bomber equipped at least 71 French escadrilles on the Western Front by November 1918 and were also used by units in Serbia, Greece, Macedonia and Morocco. The prototype flew for the first time on 21 November 1916. Following successful deployment by the French, the type was also ordered by the Belgian Army (40 aircraft) and the United States Army Air Service (over 600 aircraft). Around half the Belgian and US aircraft were fitted with Fiat A.12 engines due to shortages of the original Renault 12F. By the end of World War I, some 5,500 Breguet 14s had been produced. and some 8,000 of the type were built up to 1926. Production was spread over eight manufacturers; Breguet, Michelin, Renault, Farmen, Darracq, Bellanger, Schmitt, and SIDAM. The model, textures. panel and air files are by Captain Kurt. The pilot figures were developed from Wolfi's freeware Japanese pilot .fsc source file. The prop spinning texture is by Kelticheart. Gauges are by Martin Klein, and Microsoft
Posted Jan 15, 2022 01:55 by Captain Kurt