Prepar3d > Civil Jets > Page 106

87.31Mb (918 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A320-200 Eurowings package. German low cost airline, Eurowings, is based at Dusseldorf and is part of the Lufthansa group. Currently Eurowings have 50 A320-200.
Model by Project Airbus. 2020 updated VC by Speedbird77 with built in FMC by Garret Smith. Includes A320 operation manual and checklist. Airbus sounds included. Textures by Stefan Bree and assembled for P3D v5 by Chris Evans. Should work in FSX and other P3D
Posted Mar 30, 2021 09:52 by chris evans

75.87Mb (924 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-300 Air Canada Star Alliance package. Air Canada currently have 16 Airbus A330-300 and another on order.
Model by Thomas Ruth.
Also added jetway configs (Ctrl J). Revised original VC by Microsoft updated by Collin MacKenzie to include built in FMC and more. Textured and assembled for P3D5 (Should also work in other P3D and FSX) by Chris Evans
Posted Mar 28, 2021 12:39 by chris evans

99.99Mb (1877 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 777-200ER Alitalia with FSX native VC.
Italy's flag carrier airline, Alitalia, currently operate 11 Boeing 777-200ER and is based at Rome Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino Airport.
Includes revised VC and Honeywell FMC (via Views-Instrument panel). Skyspirit model features opening doors & cargo doors, detailed textures, accurate paint, dynamic shine & effects, dynamic flexing wings that respond to turbulence, fully independent suspension, trim animation, gear steering, accurate flight dynamics, spoiler animation, reflective cockpit windows, crash effects, animated tilting bogies, full night lighting, stairs, ground service vehicles when cargo doors open, (FSX - Go to Views - Instrument Panel -Posky Util), detailed virtual cockpit and more. Added custom B777 sounds. VC night lights fixed thanks to Hagar. To use FMC - Go to Views - Intrument panel - FMC. See FMC docs.
Finely crafted native FSX model by Skyspirit/Project Opensky. Jetway exits added. Thank you to Zachary777 for the native conversion of the brilliant Jacob Kubique VC. Gauges added by Chris Evans.
Thank you to Skyspirit/TDS for their generous and detailed models and paintkits!
Textured and assembled for P3D v5 by Chris Evans. Should also work in earlier P3D versions and FSX.
Posted Mar 27, 2021 11:33 by chris evans

85.99Mb (688 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A320-200 Allegiant 'Golden Knights' livery package. Las Vegas based Allegiant currently have 73 Airbus A320 aircraft. This one is painted in the 'Las Vegas Golden Knights' livery, even though in real life this livery is on a A319.
Model by Project Airbus. 2020 updated VC by Speedbird77 with built in FMC by Garret Smith. Includes A320 operation manual and checklist. Airbus sounds included. Textured and assembled for P3D v5 by Chris Evans. Should work in FSX and other P3D
Posted Mar 26, 2021 12:33 by chris evans

77.80Mb (2063 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-200 Aerolineas Argentinas package (fixed engine texture error). Argentina's flag carrier airline is based at Buenos Aires and currently have 10 Airbus A330-200.
RR Model by Thomas Ruth.
Also added jetway configs (Ctrl J). Revised original VC by Microsoft updated by Collin MacKenzie to include built in FMC and more. Textured and assembled for P3D5 (Should also work in other P3D and FSX) by Chris Evans
Posted Mar 24, 2021 14:50 by chris evans for simviation

104.51Mb (782 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A319-112 Finnair Oneworld package. Finland's flag carrier airline is based at Helsinki Airport and currently has 6 Airbus A319. Finnair fly to global destinations including Europe, Russia, Asia, the USA.
The A319 is a shorter version of the A320 family. Custom Airbus sounds. Also added jetway configs (Ctrl J). Revised original VC by Microsoft updated by Collin MacKenzie to include built in FMC and more. Textured and assembled for P3D5 (Should also work in other P3D and FSX) by Chris Evans
Posted Mar 23, 2021 13:31 by chris evans

78.94Mb (635 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 787-9 Egyptair with FSX Native 787 VC. Egyptair is based at Cairo International Airport and currently have 6 Boeing 787-9 with another 2 on order.
The high quality Boeing 787-9 from TDS. The VC is the Erik Bender adaption of the X-plane Mariano Gonzalez (MagKnight)'s 787 VC. Cockpit textured lighter grey.
TDS high spec. native FSX Boeing 787-9 model. See Document to get the best out of the VC.
Thank you to Skyspirit/TDS for their generous and detailed models and paintkits!
Textured, assembled and tested in P3D v5 by Chris Evans. Should also work in earlier P3D & FSX.
Posted Mar 21, 2021 07:39 by chris evans

514.85Mb (2117 downloads)
This package contains the SkySpirit2010 Boeing 767-200 models (v5), both cargo and passenger (2 models), equipped with
the enhanced Microsoft FSX 737-800 VC model by Alrot (FSND). It has 22 liveries and 3 dedicated sound sets for PW and GE engines. It incorporates appropriate .air files for the different models. The aircarft.cfg has been very slightly adapted in comparison with the aircarft.cfg as provided by the SkySpirit Team. Many extra gauges has been added like TCAS, GPWS, GroundHandling, AntiSkid, and Cockpit Sounds. I also added some extra sound for various knobs in the VC. The VC textures comes in 2 colors: standard Ms FSX and brown tinted by Chris Evans. You can swap these colors easily, see the INSTALL.txt. See for credits concerning this package the file CREDITS.txt See for a full list of my adaptations the file 'Flanker256_log.txt' in the 'Docs' folder of the aircraft.
Full documentation for the aircraft has been added as well as Reference and Check Lists. Night lighting for all liveries has been checked extensively in Prepar3D v4.5.
ABX Cargo, Air Canada, AmeriJet, ANA, Ansett, ATI Cargo (2x), CargoJet, Delta Airlines (3x),EL-AL, FAB, Jupiter (Bolivian AF), Kam Air, Pacific Western, Philipine Air, Star Air, Tampa Cargo, TransAero, United Air (2x). Happy flights and stay safe.
Posted Mar 20, 2021 11:06 by Flanker256

74.21Mb (2267 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A350-941 Delta Airlines package. The world's 2nd largest airline is based at Atlanta Hartsfield - Jackson Airport and currently have 14 Airbus A350-941.
FSX native AI model by FS Painter. 2020 updated interior model (VC) by Speedbird77.
Textures, assembled and tested in P3D v5 and should be ok in FSX and earlier P3D versions. By Chris Evans.
Posted Mar 20, 2021 10:25 by chris evans

21.34Mb (1526 downloads)
FSX/P3D Finnair McDonnell Douglas DC-9-10 package -------
Finnair 70s-80s livery included in this package, registration OH-LYI.
Model by Eric Cantu/SGA, converted by Eagle Rotor craft Simulations. VC Model by FSND. Panels: Original FSND edited by speedbird77. DC-9 guages: by Philippe Wallaert. Sounds: Adam Murphy.
--- My Facebook page: ----- I will post videos about my repaints at my YouTube channel:
Posted Mar 20, 2021 08:47 by Cs_Csanad (AzureFire)