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FSX and P3D Gauge Creation Tutorial Rev.38
53.83Mb (258 downloads)
FSX and P3D Gauge Creation Tutorial Rev.38 Not for non-programmers but can be used by non-C programmers. New major topic on how P3D and FSX treat colours and bitmaps in the simulator. See the Revision List for the most important updates. FOR PROGRAMMING C-LANGUAGE GAUGES ONLY. Dai Griffiths, Dragonflight Design.
Posted Sep 29, 2018 17:06 by uploader
Creating models with GMAX FSX Gamepacks in Win 10 - Tutorial
1.11Mb (404 downloads)
Creating models with GMAX FSX Gamepacks in Win 10 Tutorial. There are problems when creating native FSX models with GMAX FSX Gamepacks in Win 10. How to navigate in your explorer and how to use material editor. This is a hint to make things work by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Jan 15, 2017 09:28 by A.F.Scrub
How to Add an Explosion Effect to your Aircraft
0.00Mb (12108 downloads)
Have you ever wanted to explode your plane in mid-air? Or for it to burst into a firey inferno when it hits the ground? This brief tutorial tells you how.
Posted Oct 28, 2011 12:44 by Austin
SBuilderX Tutorial
4.44Mb (3388 downloads)
This is a tutorial for using the scenery design tool, SBuilderX v3.10, by Luis Sa of The tutorial can serve as an introduction to SBuilderX, but emphasizes using it to modify or correct airport terrain. This tutorial is a follow-on to one I did which was based on SBuilder v2.05 for FS9 Scott Smart
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Posted Sep 11, 2010 15:58 by Scott Smart
0.70Mb (3479 downloads)
Panel Design Tutorial. The purpose of this tutorial is to give people a BASIC idea on how to design panels in Paint Shop Pro 7.You must have Paint Shop Pro before starting to read the tutorial and making panels. Download a trial version at This tutorial gives you a better undertanding of how panel designing is done. It does not deal with the addition of gauges, only design. (I plan to make another tutorial specifically on Gauges) Also included in the .zip is a 'template' panel.cfg that must be modified depending on the panel. The tutorial is in Rich text format (Word). Tutorial by Havoc Wreaker (Zone). 718K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
HOW                         TO BUILD DIGITAL ELEVATIONS MAPS FS2000
0.16Mb (2379 downloads)
HOW TO BUILD DIGITAL ELEVATIONS MAPS FS2000 and get sucesfull copilation for use with the Microsoft´s SDK IV tutorial tools. Included a tutorial with a lot of new information, a new version of the grises.exe program to convert gray scaled bitmap to DEM, and a terrain bgl of Santander . By Jokin Bedialauneta. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
FSX                       Scenery Tutorial: Make Photo-real Ground Textures
2.09Mb (4759 downloads)
FSX Scenery Tutorial: Make Photo-real Ground Textures. It is very easy to create your very own high-resolution, custom (photo-real) ground textures. This document explains the concepts and techniques and illustrates the use of SBuilderX with which you can quickly and easily download aerial images and make this type of scenery. Luis Féliz-Tirado: 2.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.01Mb (6784 downloads)
FS2004 Airport Design Tutorial: I am a freeware airport scenery designer. When I was originally trying to learn how to design and build an airport, I struggled to find a simple-to-understand, all-in-one airport design tutorial. Utilising only easy-to-use and freeware software, this document walks you through the process of creating an airport for FS2004. Everything is explained in layman's terms and you will be designing and building your own airport(s) in no time. 8K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
FS                       2004 - How-to Guide - Adding a helipad to an airport.
2.13Mb (5728 downloads)
FS 2004 - How-to Guide - Adding a helipad to an airport. -This guide explains how to add one or more helipad(s) to an airport. - Document in French and English. Formats : HTML and PDF. By Marc Renaud. 2.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
SCENERY                       DESIGN TUTORIAL
2.19Mb (6301 downloads)
SCENERY DESIGN TUTORIAL (Chapters 1-4) This tutorial is designed to introduce the beginner to the world of scenery design. Chapter 1 defines the terminology used in scenery design. Chapter 2 introduces AFCAD2 by Lee Swordy Chapter 3 introduces FSSC by Derek Leung and shows you how to manipulate thrid party macros and how to utilize AFCAD with FSSC for better placement of macros. Chapter 4 introduces NOVA v1.6 by Rafael Garcia Sanchez for creating your own macros for scenery design. Future chapters will delve deeper into NOVA and explore other scenery design programs, such as FSDS and EOD. Written by Todd Lucas. 2.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
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