FS Gauges > Page 18

0.69Mb (644 downloads)
747-classic engine gauges. Here is
a set of the four basic engine indication
instruments, N1, EGT, N2 and FF plus a Limit
select panel and Limit indicator wich provide
you with 8 predetermined engine limit modes,
beside this manual derating is possible too.
By Marco Blauwhof. 719K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.39Mb (380 downloads)
Bravo Panel Option for FS2000. This
is an optional radio stack for Brvo2kig.zip
(required). It will add different Radios with
standby freqs as well as ACS-GPS, and an accurate
autopilot. Requires Brvo2kIG.zip to run. by
Ian Grant. 407K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.03Mb (466 downloads)
auto trim gauge. Connects the elevator
trim to the joystick. This version displays
the FS2000 soft pink night lighting. Includes
a default Mooney panel that uses the gauge.
By Chuck Dome. 31K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.86Mb (996 downloads)
Management Computer Gauge sounds.
For use with tcfmcgau.zip. Version 1.0. By
Tom Corson. 902K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.21Mb (1801 downloads)
Management Computer. This gauge provides
visual and audible indications for various
critical parameters for each phase of flight
- V speeds, flap retraction speeds, cruise
altitudes, flap extension and landing ref
speeds. Based on real world performance data
for over 30 commercial aircraft. This is my
Christmas gift to all of you! Requires
tcfmcsnd.zip.- below. Version 1.0. By
Tom Corson. 217K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.04Mb (392 downloads)
Improved Panel new Gauge. This is
an upgrade for the combination standby instrument
in my B737 Improved Panel (x737fs2k.zip and
x737fs2q.zip) for FS2000. The gauge demonstrates
the excellent color reproduction potential
of FS2000 panels at night, showing better
night effects than the default gauges, not
before seen in FS98. Panel designers can use
this gauge at will for their freeware panels
only. By Jorge Alsina. 42K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.19Mb (563 downloads)
World GPS Gauge. This is an update
of USAGPS.GAU with an added 518 internal world-wide
waypoints, for a total of 3775. Now all airports
listed in the FS98 Airport and Facilities
BGL files are selectable by mouse. Included
are eight FS98 and two CFS panels that use
the gauge. By Chuck Dome. Public domain. File
size 198465
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.19Mb (496 downloads)
gauge--Bendix-Style GPS. The default
100 waypoints are Florida airports, but they
can be reprogramed with theincluded
utility (requires VBRUN300.DLL). Also included
is a default Cessna 182RG panel that uses
the gauge. File size 198596 Chuck Dome.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.29Mb (2121 downloads)
40 Navigation CRT Set. A Bendix King/Allied
Signal EHI 40 Navigation CRT Set, including
ED461a EHSI,EADI461 EADI. Freeware, but has
some functional limitations. File size 300723.
By HGHB Virtual Instruments (Harald Geier,
Helmut Busch, ChrisKoegler, Tony Cullen)
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.04Mb (919 downloads)
YG-7500 Radar Altimeter. Has four
mouse-clickable areas; will set Decision Height
and if used in conjunction with an autopilot
and localiser approachwill
act as a Cat.II approach system. File size
37836. Dai Griffiths
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive