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Saitek FIP gauge AP-Alt-VS Multi Fuel v1
0.18Mb (967 downloads)
This package of 4 gauges is for use in the Saitek FIP. Three generic gauges will work on all aircraft and the fourth is specifically for the Baron B58 (FSX default). Each of the generic gauges displays fuel level for different tanks but are identical in all other respects. The 4 gauges have been designed to complement the saitek AP / Multi panel. The gauges primarily show the selected AP Altitude and Vert Spd whilst the AP / multi panel is displaying HDG. Five indicators for "lights on" are included as well as lights for landing gear (in transition and down) . The flaps indicator shows a blue light for intermediate positions and a yellow light when at full down position. The generic gauges have a separate flaps position indicator (numerical and needle) included. The 5 fuel indicators in each gauge are vertical analogue 'meters'. Rudder and aileron trim is displayed and controlled by the two FIP rotary knobs. Pitch trim readout and other functions is included.
Posted Jul 11, 2014 23:35 by Robert Budd
Bendix King KN63 DME indicator
0.08Mb (819 downloads)
Display more realistic than the default FSX Baron indicator. ON/OFF and Toggle knob (Key "F" acting) but HOLD mode not possible. FSX (P3Dv1.4) and FS 2004 stand alone XML gauge. By Pierre Fasseaux
Posted Sep 12, 2013 04:30 by Pierre Fasseaux
Bendix King KR21 Beacon Marker
0.26Mb (521 downloads)
Three models (Horizontal w/ and w/o screws and vertical). Different flashing lights and test button. FSX (P3Dv1.4) and FS 2004 stand alone XML gauge. By Pierre Fasseaux
Posted Sep 12, 2013 04:29 by Pierre Fasseaux
Davtron Chronometer M803 upgraded v8
0.64Mb (1164 downloads)
Still six functions available (GMT, LT, FT, chrono + OAT, Voltage) and activation through key strokes (Not for 2004). Two background bitmaps available (w/ or w/o screws). NEW: Fixed bug, reset LT, orange and green coloured screens. See readme.txt for details . FSX, P3Dv1.4 and FS 2004 stand alone XML gauge. By Pierre Fasseaux.
Posted Aug 9, 2013 08:32 by Pierre Fasseaux
Modified gauges of default FSX Cessna 208B
0.17Mb (835 downloads)
This just a small modification enlarging the mouse acting zone to modify the data of some instruments : the Altimeter (to modify the pressure reference) ; the Radio-altimeter (to modify the DH) ; the RMI (switch between VOR/ADF). Maybe already proposed but I didn't find it. By Pierre Fasseaux
Posted Aug 9, 2013 08:30 by Pierre Fasseaux
Integrated Standby Flight Display for Saitek Pro Flight Instrument Panel
Integrated Standby Flight Display for Saitek Pro Flight Instrument Panel
0.22Mb (3643 downloads)
This file was deleted by my mistake.This is the original version and it is not replaced by version 2 which provides space for buttons text. Integrated Standby Flight Display (ISFD) is a new glass standby gauge that was introduced with the B737 NG, it is equiped with an internal battery that allows 3 hours of operation without external power. Now all new commercial liners are fitted with such gauge. The gauge provides indicated air speed, altitude, heading, aircraft attitude and QNH. When in range of an ILS the ILS bars appear. When the autopilot mode approach is selected the text APP in green colour appears. As far as I know it is not possible to shift the QNH value from Inch of Hg to Hpa (millibar) in a FIP because the shifting function calls for internal variable like L:xxxxxx that can't be used in a FIP xml program. To solve partially this problem I propose three versions, one with the QNH both in InHg and Hpa (ISFD.xml), one with the QNH in InHg only (ISFD_InHg.xml) and one with the QNH in Hpa only (ISFD_HPA.xml).
Posted Jul 10, 2013 09:20 by Philippe Verhaege
B737-800 EICAS FSX model for Saitek Pro Flight Instrument Panel
B737-800 EICAS FSX model for Saitek Pro Flight Instrument Panel
0.15Mb (3194 downloads)
This other version of the B737-800 EICAS is the exact replica of the gauge provided with FSX and adapted for the FIP. I created this version just to test the possibility to use circular images as for the N1, EGT and fuel gauges. Not so easy but time is the main factor for success. It comes in two versions, one that shows the fuel flow (to be multiplied by 1000 like the FSX gauge) and the fuel tanks in pounds. The second version shows the fuel flow (no multiplier) and the fuel tanks in gallons. The gauge provides TAT, N1, EGT, N2, Fuel flow, oil pressure, oil temperature, engine vibration, center, right and left fuel tanks quantity. Additionally it provides the possibility to move the N1 green bug (unfortunately decimal for autopilot values is not available for FSX). Two warnings for each engine also appear: start valve open and low oil pressure.
Posted Jul 8, 2013 07:20 by Philippe Verhaege
Integrated Standby Flight Display version 2 for Saitek Pro Flight Instrument Pane
Integrated Standby Flight Display version 2 for Saitek Pro Flight Instrument Pane
0.24Mb (2063 downloads)
This is a second version of the ISFD for FIP. It was resized to let the left side empty to allow some text through the SaiFlightSimX.xml file to identify the buttons. The gauge provides indicated air speed, altitude, heading, aircraft attitude and QNH. When in range of an ILS the ILS bars appear. When the autopilot mode approach is selected the text APP in green colour appears.
Posted Jul 3, 2013 09:18 by Philippe Verhaege
Essential gauges - speed gauges update for Saitek Pro Flight Instrument Panel
0.00Mb (1669 downloads)
Following a remark from a Canadian simer that the speed gauges didn't provide the right True Air Speed (TAS) during cold weather conditions at very low altitude because theconditions make the True Air Speed (TAS) below the Indicated Air Speed I did change some values to get the correct TAS whatever are the weather conditions.
Posted Jul 2, 2013 10:24 by Philippe Verhaege
Essential gauges for FIP
1.74Mb (4098 downloads)
For Saitek Pro Flight Instrument Panel. This is folder contains 8 essential gauges, 7 for the Beech Baron and 1 for the Mooney Bravo. Beach Baron: Airspeed with TAT, Alternative Airspeed with the True air speed, Vertical Situation Indicator (VSI), Altimeter, Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI), Horizontal Situation Indicator (HIS) and Vertical speed. Mooney Bravo: Airspeed with TAT.
Posted Mar 1, 2013 10:37 by Philippe Verhaege
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