FS Sounds > Page 5

158.54Mb (2349 downloads)
Better sounds for the Boeing 737
Posted Dec 2, 2017 06:04 by Kairi Akai

171.67Mb (2919 downloads)
GE90 engine sound, HQ cockpit effect, wind packs & GPWS for Captain Sim.
Posted Nov 14, 2017 19:16 by Kairi Akai

198.46Mb (2032 downloads)
39 various Ai Traffic Sound for FSX/P3D + Cfg files for 8 AI Traffic addons :(WOAI, IVAO, UT2, ICEAI, SkyAi, TrafficX, MyTraffic and Orbx).
Video sample : www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSdpx1W_M6I
Posted Oct 26, 2017 19:27 by Kairi Akai

60.84Mb (1823 downloads)
Heavily updated Concorde Sound Package. A realistic sound pack for the Olympus 593 engine. 3D sound cone technology has been used, you can hear the afterburners blasting from the behind Concorde. This will make your concorde come to life again. Uber realism with the spool up, start up, takeoff roars and afterburners from behind. Interior sounds have been carefully recorded and old videos have been used for realism. The Olympus engines are two spool engines, 38,050 lbs of thrust was delivered to push the Concorde to mach 2. By Kelvin Keeble.
Posted Oct 14, 2017 08:01 by Kelvin Keeble

83.77Mb (1224 downloads)
A realistic sound pack for the Avro Vulcan RR Olympus 201 engine. This will make your Vulcan come to life again. Uber realism with the spool up, start up, takeoff howl.
Posted Jun 27, 2017 12:27 by Kelvin Keeble

159.30Mb (536 downloads)
Turbomeca Arriel 1C/2C stereo sound system designed specifically for the payware Cerasim AS365 Dauphin. Features full startup, idle, rotor and shutdown sounds (externally and internally) recorded from the real AS365 Dauphin aircraft. Also includes original switch and lever sounds used with permission of Cerasim and new flight dynamics. By Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations
Posted Jun 16, 2017 13:48 by George Arana

99.05Mb (5090 downloads)
A350 Trent XWB Soundpack, Uber realism with the spool up, start up, takeoff roars, adds superb realism with interior and out.
Posted Jun 8, 2017 06:31 by Kelvin Keeble

18.90Mb (1995 downloads)
Bombardier Dash 8-100 and -200 sound set for the Dreamwings Dash 8 Q100 and Q200. Unlike most turboprop sound sets, including the default ones, this package features propeller sounds that play according to prop RPM, rather than turbine RPM. This provides a more realistic turboprop sound experience. Please note that these sounds are designed for the Dreamwings Dash 8 and will not sound as intended in other aircraft. (This is version 2 of the sound set, which fixes the problem of occasionally distorted prop sounds) By Steve Rojcewicz.
Posted Mar 14, 2017 13:44 by Steve Rojcewicz

3.88Mb (2179 downloads)
Majestic MJC8 Q400 PW105A engine soundpack - This is a updated version of the majestic Q400 prop soundpack, adds superb realism with interior and out. you can hear when taxiing the different pitch of propeller angle, also new full power sounds.
Posted Jan 30, 2017 23:43 by Kelvin Keeble

68.12Mb (2191 downloads)
A set of sounds compiled to perfectly represent the beautiful sound of the Airbus A330's General Electric CF6 engines. Designed by FL2070. This pack is the last of a set of three Airbus A330 soundpacks I made for the three different engines.
Posted Dec 11, 2016 12:51 by FL2070