FS2000 > Page 219

Bombardier Challenger 601-3A Panel Concept by Mark Ostheimer
Panel by David Durst. 967K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.82Mb (527 downloads)
CRJ Panel caCRJpnl.zip. Canadair Regional Jet (CRJ). Made
from a real CRJ picture. Genuine enhanced panel bitmap with
3D effects. Push back, removable yoke and sun visor. It places
you right into the pilot's seat without distorting the actual
proportions/perspective. The ultimate realistic experience when
used with my CRJ Comair plane (caCRJ2k.zip). By Chris Alevritis.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

1.84Mb (520 downloads)
panel in SAS style version 2.0 for FS98/FS2000. Panel made
by Stellan Hilmerby. Programming by Geir Otto Olsen. Bitmaps
in the instruments originally made by Bryan Shirota. C++ programming
by Geir Otto Olsen. My part of this design is to repaint the
bitmaps and to give technical advice to Geir. Gear and trim
sounds are recorded by me in a real DC9 cockpit. A BIG thank
you to the people in SAS Flight Academy for all pictures. 1.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.42Mb (389 downloads)
- re-designed 737 panel. This version deletes the two part
fuel gauge and becomes a three part one wich was created by
Jorge Alsina. The upper panel gots a compass and the trim indicators
will be placed beside or rather down of the thrustcontrolls.
In addition to this, now there will be a pretty designed landing
speed sheet on the left hand of the throttle lever (into a real
737-Cockpit you can find this sheet above your head near the
overhead panel). Now the improved standard 737 panel looks a
bit more realistic and you can read all three fuel gauges. This
panel should be work with low and high resolutions, cause i've
changend both (640 & 1028) bmp-files. Have a nice and safety
flight! standard B737_400 panel by Microsoft® b737-400_fuel.gau
by Jorge Alsina. 434K.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

3.30Mb (356 downloads)
IL-96M\T Panel for FS2000 FS98; The Russian "A340 B747"
Rockwell-Collins instruments Overhead Panel:Engine control,Fire
test,Generator light,AC,ICE,Pushback Console:Radio, Trimm,Eng,pump,Fmc
only Fs98 Panel Englisch Cyrillic Pink night lighting Ilyushin
IL-96M\T by Nikolay Poriazov. 3.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.32Mb (323 downloads)
"style" Deluxe Panel for FS2000 For use with, PSS-SR71.zip
for FS2000 only. This panel uses the FS2000 GPS with 5 MFD's,
and uses all FS2000 Gauges.71 gauges total. Options for GPS98v32,
and Navstar99v11 are included. by John J Schumacher. 337K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

4.27Mb (439 downloads)
Boeing 717 Roy Chaffin Panel. Roy, a supreme panel designer,
is back with this new FS2000 version of a panel and aircraft
originally designed and built for FS98, modified to make it
compatible with FS2000. As such it does not take advantage
of all the features of FS2000, and depending on which aircraft
is used, some gauges may not function properly. Once a proper,
full-function FS2000 B-717 aircraft is built, everything will
work. 4.5MB. Aircraft also included - but can be used with
any aircraft.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.22Mb (360 downloads)
for FS2000: F-104 Starfighter Uses only fs2000 default gauges
over photoreal bitmap. Rework from previous fs98 panel by Marco
Spada - 230K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.41Mb (165 downloads)
Light Jet/Turbo Prop Panel Based on an original Design by
David Durst 4 December 1999 Modified by Rick Biagioni [E_Biagioni@onaustralia.com.au]
13 March 1999 Features gauges by HGHB and Laurent Crenier's
Autobrake. by Rick Biagioni. 424K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.46Mb (243 downloads)
2000 panel Rockwell Commander 685 aircraft, by Igal Kaplan.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive