FS2000 > Page 234

1.66Mb (297 downloads)
Blackbird panel for fs2000, this panel comes with a yoke,
gps and the panel it self and also it comes with a set of interior
views, by Alex Bart. 1.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.84Mb (370 downloads)
Panel for the MD 11.
This panel includes: GPS, intergrated Radio stuck, throttle,
and a compass. This panel has also warning light/sounds for:
VCP2000, Airport 2000 V2 and GPWS 98/2000 (tested without problems)
I also have a nice winampskin KLM MD 11 included for the Winamp
users. by: Frank Elfert. 856K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

1.32Mb (243 downloads)
Clear panel for many business jets, like the Learjet or
the Gulfstream. This panel includes: GPS, Radio stuck, throttle,
and a compass. This panel has also warning light/sounds for:
VCP2000, Airport 2000 V2 and GPWS 98/2000 (tested without problems)
I also have a nice winampskin from the the Gulfstream V included
for the Winamp users. 1.3MB. by: Frank Elfert. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

1.08Mb (169 downloads)
70 panel. This panel includes: GPS, Radio stuck, throttle
and an intergrated compass. This panel has also warning light/sounds
for: VCP2000 and GPWS 98/2000 (tested without problems) I also
have a nice winampskin from the the Fokker 70 included for the
Winamp users. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.60Mb (166 downloads)
alternative jet panel. You can use this panel with the most
2 engine airliners, like the Boeing 737,757,767 and the 777.
And also with the Airbus A310. This panel includes GPS, and
is compatible with GPWS and VCP2000. Panel made by: Frank Elfert
and Eelco Poelsma. 620K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

Boeing 737-300 panel. This panel includes: GPS, Radio stuck,
and intergrated throttle and an intergrated compass. This panel
has also special warning light/sounds. This warning light are
compatible with: VCP2000 and GPWS 98/2000 I also have a nice
winampskin from the the Boeing 737-300 included for the Winamp
users. by: Frank Elfert. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

1.75Mb (382 downloads)
ATR 42 panel. This panel includes the follow things:,
GPS, Radio stuck, throttle and an intergrated compass. I also
have a nice winampskin from the the ATR 42 included for the
Winamp users. by: Frank Elfert. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.79Mb (322 downloads)
Panel for Boeing 717.
I maked this second panel on request from a few Fs2000 fans.
This panel includes the follow things:Auto spoiler, GPS, Radio
stuck, throttle and an intergrated compass. I also have a nice
winampskin from the the Boeing 717 included for the Winamp users.
by: Frank Elfert. 807K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

Boeing 737-100. This panel includes the follow things: GPS,
Radio stuck, throttle and intergrated compass. I also have a
nice winampskin from the the Boeing 737-100 included for the
Winamp users. by: Frank Elfert . 1.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.87Mb (554 downloads)
for Boeing 737-800, This panel is a highly realistic panel.
This panel includes the follow things: GPS, Radio stuck and
intergrated a compass and intergrated throttle. I also have
a nice winampskin from the the Boeing 737-800 included for
the Winamp users. by: Frank Elfert. 896K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive