FS2000 > Page 243

1.18Mb (196 downloads)
Close-up Cessna panel. So far i have never designed any
kind of close up panels, but I think that this panel is defentely
a good one! This panel is photoreal and can be used with every
kind Cessna's. This panel got everything you want! Autopilot,
light, engine instruments, IFR instruments, throttle and radiostuck.
And off course you can also find a new winampskin! Frank Elfert.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.70Mb (271 downloads)
Revised default Boeing 777 Panel. More realistic gauge placment
and 3 MFDs like in the real one. The front-left and front-right
internel views have working gauges in them so that you can look
at the side-front windows and still see the flight information.
By Chanan Epstein. 720K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

4.29Mb (277 downloads)
PS747-IFR Style Panel it's a full screen panel with a small
external view Include RWYINFO - EHSI ARC/ROSE Mode - And other
great Gauges. Best view with 1024x748 screen resolution. By
Yann KOUN. 4.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

1.11Mb (427 downloads)
Fokker F28 panel. This panel got everthing you want. Like
GPWS, wipers, pushback, removeable flightyoke, special autopilot
and more. This panel has also the follow things: GPS, radiostuck,
warning windows, Compass and a throttle. And I have also included
a new Fokker F28 winampskin. Frank Elfert. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

2.38Mb (275 downloads)
Skyhawk panel with internal views. So far i have never
designed any kind of single engine props. But my first attemting
is defentely a good one. This panel is photoreal and can also
be used with the standard Microsoft Cessna's. This panel has
the follow things: GPS, radiostuck, IFR instruments, Compass
and throttle and with an autopilot (SHIFT + 3). Frank Elfert.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.97Mb (161 downloads)
Cessna 182rg older panel . I built this panel to be more
like a cessna that most student pilots like myself would be
flying.It was ceated using the "gimp"program and all default
guages. Created by Frederick Pringle. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

Boeing 777 photoreal panel. With 2 new internal views! This
panel has the follow things: GPS, radiostuck, Compass and throttle
and the autopilot (SHIFT + 5) Of course is this panel also fully
compatible with: VCP2000, Airbus Warning soudns, GPWS 98/2000,
Airport 2000 V2, flightdeck 2000 and startup 98/2000. Frank
Elfert. 2.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
2.11Mb (275 downloads)
1st officer's panel with moveable yoke, V2.0. All gauges
on single panel. New BMP file. John Taft. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

1.04Mb (370 downloads)
Boeing 767-200 panel V3. In
this version i have fixed a lot of bugs! And i can tell you
that this panel is 100% bug free! Now it's also possible to
look to the left and right (wasn't possible in the previeus
versions). I have also improved the bitmap, and i have add some
new gauges so that this panel looks more real! This panel has
the follow things: GPS, a special fuel panel, Compass and throttle.
Of course is this panel also fully compatible with: VCP2000,
Airbus Warning soudns, GPWS 98/2000, Airport 2000 V2, flightdeck
2000 and startup 98/2000. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

3.95Mb (777 downloads)
Boeing 747-200 panel V2, inclusief 747 wingviews and my
new 747 rearview! This panel has the follow things: GPS, a special
fuel panel, a special light panel, a removeable flightyoke,
a warning window, a special throttle/radiostuck/pushback window,
and a real working wiper!! Of course is this panel also fully
compatible with: VCP2000, Airbus Warning soudns, GPWS 98/2000,
Airport 2000 V2, flightdeck 2000 and startup 98/2000. I have
fixed and added a lot of things in this version. I have also
add the missing NAV/GPS switch and al the special windows. And
I have also included a 747-200 winampskin from Martinair. Configured
by Frank Elfert. 4.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive