FS2000 > Page 271

9.20Mb (206 downloads)
Colorado Terrain Mesh Scenery Version 2. Improved Frame
rates. Made from USGS Digital Elevation Models (DEM) with Microsoft
Terrain SDK. Covers Colorado state. By Eddie Denney. 9.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

1.02Mb (194 downloads)
VERSION FS 2000 Scenery "Peenemünde.vers.1.3 FS 2000
Scenery "Peenemünde.vers.1.3" Peenemünde was till 1935 a very
small village. 1936 there began the Luftwaffe (airforce) and
the Heer (army) the production of the first rockets , the V1
and the V2. It is located at the german border to Polsky. 1961
the NVA (army of the DDR) built a new airport and take place
there the JG 9 . Features: The new 4000m runway , The old WWII
runway , hangars with Jets , emergency runway , isle Oie wiht
a very small place to land there , missing road from the mainstreet
to Peenemünde , fuel camp . Designed by Alex Wanner. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
0.27Mb (232 downloads)
HALTON, UK, for FS2k. Royal Air Force Halton is a small
grass airfield near Wendover in Buckinghamshire, UK. Situated
just to the north of the Chiltern Hills (low hills 40 miles
north of London) (which Microsoft seem to have missed out) it
is the airfield of what was the RAF apprentice training college,
it is now much smaller due to defence cut backs etc but is still
an RAF establishment. The airfield is still used for gliding
and an aero club is based there. In the dim distant past I can
remember Group Captain Cunningham landing a Avro Vulcan here,
some feat as you will see from the length of the grass runway`s.
Author Paul Roberts. 275K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.13Mb (143 downloads)
2000 Scenery Ruhpolding. A small not offical airfield near
Salzburg but in Germany. By this airfield it is not easy to
land there , because the runway is surounded with many tree's.
Designed by Alex Wanner. 129K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
0.00Mb (146 downloads)
aprons for Microsoft Flight Simulator FS2000 Brisbane Australia
. Adds some of the missing aprons to the default FS2000 scenery.
Simon Marsden. 3K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
0.24Mb (213 downloads)
for Microsoft Flight Simulator FS2000 Brisbane Australia Static
. Adds static aircraft to the default FS2000 scenery. Simon
Marsden. 274K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.60Mb (568 downloads)
Scenery Manchester Airport, UK Dynamic Scenery for the default
fs2000 Manchester scenery. By Danny Hill. 617K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.39Mb (217 downloads)
North Weald Airfield, Essex-UK. A GA airfield known for
many classic aircraft & ex-military jets which are based
there. This scenery package adds taxiways with lines, static
aircrafts, hangars, buildings, some own signs, a church and
many other things over the default scenery.Created from real
charts and photographs. Baris Unal. 402K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.10Mb (328 downloads)
2k package.a, replacement textures. Package contains several
alternative upgrades to the default FS2K road textures. by Thomas
Grillo. 101K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.18Mb (171 downloads)
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus scenery.Includes two
new airports; Ercan and Gecitkale with static aircraft.Also
adds the missing navigational aids. Baris Unal. 185K. Patch.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive