FS2000 > Page 307
8.16Mb (140 downloads)
- Terrain Mesh 3,75 arc/sec. Giovanni Bavarello. 8.4MB
1 8.4MB
3 15MB
4 18MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
0.11Mb (258 downloads)
Patch by Microsoft to remove the New York WTC - 113K.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.32Mb (339 downloads)
SCENERY FS2000 SCENERY RAF St Eval, Cornwall, UK. Circa. 1955
RAF St Eval was born to be a maritime recconnaisance airfield
to protect shipping around the south-western tip of Great Britain.
Building started in 1938 and the station opened in October 1939.
Home to many aircraft types from Spits and Hurries, to the Lanc,
and then superceded by the mighty Avro Shackleton, St Eval closed
on March 6th, 1959. A single hangar and the church are still
visible on the skyline. RAF St Eval........gone,...... but not
forgotten. Produced by Steve Anderson. 331K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.29Mb (576 downloads)
Edwards AFB Details: Included airports: - Edwards Air Force
Base - Edwards Aux North Base - Edwards Aux South Base This
is the rework of an old FS5x scenery designed by Marcel Ritzema.
In my opinion his work is still the best Edwards scenery ever
designed for FS. No other scenery in any FS version or scenery
package can compete with it. Taxiways, control tower, hangars
and dry lakes just look like in reality. Designers: - scenery
by Marcel Ritzema - reworked by Gregor C. Gebel. 308MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.17Mb (131 downloads)
Regional Airport, Waterford, Ireland for FS2000. Contains
3D custom made objects. Fixed the texture problems with the
previous realease. Made with Airport 2.60 and FSDS. By Mark
Dwyer. 169K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

2.18Mb (254 downloads)
Niederstetten Army (ETHN) for FS2000 (08/2001) Ver. 1.90
ETHN are one of the oldest Military-Airport´s from Germany.
There are a lot of Helicopters e.g. UH-1D. ETHN have became
at the last time a new ILS, new Hangars,... For Insttalation
got to reade me 2001 by Edgar Stahl. 2.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

4.27Mb (207 downloads)
Commuter 5: The Northern Mainland For FS2000: Alaskan Commuter
5 - The Northern Mainland: Part 1 Alaskan
Commuter 5,6,7 – Airports in Alaska and British Columbia:
A 3 part series (45 default airports in all) in Alaska and
British Columbia.
1 and 2 are airports found within the borders of Alaska itself.
3 includes 21 airports in British Columbia connecting
Alaska to the lower 48. Aviators can start at Seattle and
fly the coastal route to Ketchikan and beyond, or start at
Glacier International Airport in Kalispell, Montana, and fly
the backbone of the Canadian Rockies to Northway, AK. With
Part 1 and 2, a pilot can continue on to the Bering Sea. Airports
are spread out in 100-150 mile hops. This download was created
with Terrain Mesh, but works with default scenery as well.
Replaces "Nasports" and adds additional scenery, one of a
kind macros, and airports to that package. By Dave Erickson
Size 4.3 MB
2 3.3MB
3 4.9MB
See: Yukon
Charter Services: Whitehorse below
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive

0.36Mb (312 downloads)
Helicopter Fire/Rescue/EMS scenery. Sixth in series by C.Young.
Woods fire with fire equipment and landing pad, airliner quarantined
at Naval Air Station for white powder aboard, and Hurst Hammock
Heliport with several pads. 378K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
scenery enhancement for the Yukon Territories
featuring both land airports and seaplane bases. Includes an
improved road system and missing navaids. An A/FD and general
map is enclosed. By Bill Freeborn. 3.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
0.22Mb (1066 downloads)
Carriers #2 for FS2002 (works in FS2000). USS Dwight D.
Eisenhower, Nimitz class aircraft carrier off Norfolk, VA,
USA. Requires CVNtxr2.zip (see below). by Rich Hogen. 222K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive