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FS2000 > Page 332
                  package for the Fairey Fantome
2.85Mb (491 downloads)
FS2000 package for the Fairey Fantome. This package replaces Aircraft by John Bulteel .Air file adapted from the Hawker Fury 1 .Air file by Chris Lampard. Sounds by Mike Hambly. Gauges by Dave Haskell and Jon Shepherd. 2.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  Ryushu Shinden J7W1 Ryushu Shinden J7W1
1.75Mb (398 downloads)
FS2000 Ryushu Shinden J7W1 Ryushu Shinden J7W1. Prototype which flew in August 1945. A very promising design, coming too late to see action. seized intact after the war, it was flown to the states, where it still stands at the National Air and Space Museum. Build with FSDS 1.5 b by Christophe Rosenmann. Original textures, moving parts and high details. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                    B-17F ROYAL AIR FORCE
                    B-17F ROYAL AIR FORCE
4.81Mb (1561 downloads)
FS2000 B-17F ROYAL AIR FORCE B-17F FS2000 Royal Air Force B-17F. A Boeing B-17 F Flying Fortress painted in RAF Mk.IIAA livery.The panel bitmap is based on an original photograph.The panel and sound pack feature individual engine startup/shutdown, fully night lightning, mini autopilot and very readable instruments.Original AD2000 plane by Herve Devred. B-17F repaint by Walter Myers.Fs2000 starter/magneto gauges by Chuck Dome,panel,sound pack and Fs 2000 flight dynamics by Jorgen Unschuld. 5MB FS2000 B-17F ROYAL AIR FORCE B-17F fix FS2000 Royal Air Force B-17F. Fix for Corrects the missing classical attitude gau. 30K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  American B-25B Mitchell Medium Bomber "End em' packin'"
2.10Mb (806 downloads)
North American B-25B Mitchell Medium Bomber "End em' packin'" Design by Roger Dial (Blue Arrow FS) Flight model by Bruce Thorson (Blue Arrow FS) Sound by Mike Hambly (Blue Arrow FS) Repaint by J-P Demmerle. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                    SEAFIRE F Mk 47 for FS2000
0.21Mb (613 downloads)
SUPERMARINE SEAFIRE F Mk 47 for FS2000 This model depicts an aircraft of No.800 Royal Naval Air Squadron in early 1950. Later in the year the squadron embarked aboard the carrier HMS Triumph and headed for the Korean conflict. The Mk 47 was the final version of the Seafire, the RAF Spitfire equivalent being the Mk 24. The Mk 47 featured a Rolls Royce Griffon V12 of 2,375 h.p. with contra-rotating propellors and had a top speed of 452 m.p.h. at altitude. Other navalised modifications included folding wings and a “sting” tailhook. The model does not have folding wings but otherwise, most parts that should move do so. The “pilot” is an approximate likeness of Alex Henshaw in his later years who tested every version of the Spitfire/Seafire whilst with Supermarine. By Chris Lampard. 211K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  ONLY and FS2000 only!
2.71Mb (1764 downloads)
CFS2 ONLY and FS2000 only! Mike Pupich purchased this aircraft from Paramont Studios after it was in the film "Catch 22". Later after beginning the resotoration work he met some original crewmembers of the 390th Squadron, 42nd Bomb Group "Crusaders", of the 13th Air Force who were originally stationed in the South Pacific theater during the War. Mike decided then and there to re-do the aircraft just like the original. The original aircraft was flown by Charlie Wells. He flew four missions with the original "Heavenly Body" as copilot and 38 missions as pilot. The stellar moment for this aircraft was when "Heavenly Body" roared off the deck of the USS Ranger on 21 April 1992 to honor the 50th anniversary of the Doolittle raid on Tokyo. Today she does airshows nationwide and it looks like there will be many years of pleasure from her to come. This original model was done by Roger Dial, Mike Hambly and Bruce Thorson. Re-paint by J-P "Gray Wolf" Demmerle. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  B-17F ROYAL AIR FORCE
0.63Mb (1216 downloads)
CFS2/FS2000 B-17F ROYAL AIR FORCE This is a Boeing B-17F Flying Fortress painted to look like an RAF Mk.IIAA (equivalent to the B-17F) that served with British Coastal Command as a long-range maritime reconnaissance aircraft in the European theater 1942-1945. CFS2 and FS2OOO separate configuration Original AD2000 plane by Hervé Devred. B17F repaint Contest candidate. Repaint by Walter Myers. 650K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                    2000 Curtiss XP-40.
0.42Mb (304 downloads)
FS 2000 Curtiss XP-40. The XP-40 first flew in 1938 and was the forerunner of the most produced US fighter of WW2. It's performance was often belittled compared to the Mustang or Thunderbolt but it was produced before and after the other two. This FSDS project includes full moving parts, a transparent sliding canopy, reflective surfaces and a P.Casey P-40 panel. By Paul Clawson. 436K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                    RAF BRISTOL BLENHEIM Mk IV
                    RAF BRISTOL BLENHEIM Mk IV
0.97Mb (694 downloads)
FS2000 RAF BRISTOL BLENHEIM Mk IV. Original model by Hervé Devred, as modified with moving parts by D Kahlstom. Repaint and panel by John Rushby-Smith. Original Freeware gauges by Chuck Dome and others. 992K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  Boeing B-17F "Lucky 7"
1.06Mb (2191 downloads)
CFS2-FS2000 Boeing B-17F "Lucky 7" This is a bare metal Boeing B-17F Flying Fortress painted to look like an earlier model E appropriate for the Pacific Theater in 1941-42. Two version are include. CFS2 (by default) & FS2000. B17F contest candidate. Original build with AD2000v2.0 by Hervé Devred - Michel Melchior A.C.T. publishing. Repaint job by Walter Myers. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive