FS2002 > Page 231
0.19Mb (3192 downloads)
2002 AIRCRAFT Lockheed-Martin F-35 JSF (Joint Strike Fighter)
V.1 CTOL version JSf for fs2k2 this aircraft has :opening
canopy ,and all the other moving parts has costum panel. more
details inside By Steven Beeckman & Johan Peeters, 5.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
2.02Mb (1662 downloads)
Snowbirds The CT-114 Tutor aircraft was designed and manufactured
by Canadair Limited (now Canadair, Bombardier Inc.) to a Royal
Canadian Air Force (RCAF) specification ò Manufacturer: Canadair:
Crew: 2 (pilots) in ejection seats Power Plant: Orenda J-85
CAN-40 Turbojet with 2,950 lbs thrust Performance: Max Speed:
486 mph (782 km/h) Service Ceiling: 42,200 ft (12,863 m) Range:
940 m (1,563 km) Weights: Empty: 4,895 lbs (2,220 kg) Gross:
7,397 lbs (3,335 kg) Dimensions: Span: 36 ft 6 in (11.13 m)
Length: 32 ft 0 in (9.75 m) Height 9 ft 4 in (2.84 m) By: Rey
Lopez. 2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

0.97Mb (725 downloads)
Denel Cheetah C 2Sqn SAAF
The Denel Cheetah C is the ultimate development of the Mirage
III family made by Denel (former Atlas) in South Africa and
it is flown by the 2 Sqn of the SAAF. The Cheetah is a modern
strike fighter with capabilities that can match US fighters
like the F-16. Aircraft by Denis da Silva Repaint (2sqn decals)
by Jens-Ole Kjølberg New flight dynamic by Jens-Ole Kjølberg/Alphasim.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

4.93Mb (358 downloads)
Package for Denis da Silva's MB326 (above) / Emb326GB/GC
T-26/AT-26 Xavante Derivates. Paintworks by Bernhard Behle.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

5.34Mb (1610 downloads)
TigerMeet Tornado
A German Tornado from the 321Tigers in Lechfeld in 2001 TigerMeet
colours. Full moving parts, moving wings and jetsmoke. FSDS
model by Giovanni Clemente (Novara-Italy). Panel by Marco Spada
PVI (Roma). Repaint by Sebastian Hecker. 5.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

1.12Mb (1002 downloads)
AMD Mirage IIIDA operated by Fuerza Aérea Argentina (Argentine
Air Force) Gray (I-021) and Camouflage (I-001) paint schemes
Repaint by: Ricardo Ruffa Aircraft by: Denis da Silva e Daniel
da Silva. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

3.31Mb (853 downloads)
Addestratore Avanzato Aereonautica Militare Italiana. Model
and Texture: Daniel & Denis da Silva. 3.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
2.41Mb (528 downloads)
States Army Virtual C-20B VIP Transport Designed by: Sergio
Ceden, Rob Bennis, Chuck Dome. Note: This was originally
an FS98 aircraft & does not include things like transparent
windows or moving parts Repaint by Ray Brower. 2.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
0.66Mb (474 downloads)
States Army Virtual RC-12 Guardrail Common Sensor By: Chris
Lampard The Guardrail Common Sensor [GR/CS] is a Corps Level
Airborne Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) collection/location system
Repaint of the RC-12 by Ray Brower.Note: This was originally
an FS98 aircraft & does not include things like transparent
windows . 567K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
1.80Mb (139 downloads)
for the IAI Kfir from Denis.daSilva-Oliveira texture.
USN : this is one of the leased Kfir's the US Navy use as Aggressor
Aircraft for Pilot Training .... the other two are fictional
Repaints of the reported Lot (each 12) that was buyed by the
Air Forces of Ecuador & Columbia .... texture.fae : for Ecuador
texture.fac : for Columbia You need an copy of the IAI_Kfir.zip
found on Military FS2002 Page
14 .... mfg Bernhard Behle. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive