FS2002 > Page 250
3.01Mb (1009 downloads)
F-101F Voodoo.
This is a completely re-textured and re-skinned version of Keith
Clifford's model, giving the aircraft a new look. F-101F s/n
57-0438 was last based at the Air Defense Weapons Center at
Tyndall AFB, Panama City, Florida. The aircraft was perserved
and is now on display in Panama City. Aircraft and panel included.
Original textures by Kieth Clifford. New textures by Marc Czygan.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
11.19Mb (2964 downloads)
Northrop/McDonnell Douglas YF-23A Black Widow II.
Features: -GMAX Built 3D model with basic virtual cockpit
-detailed, high-resolution, reflective dxt3 textures -transparent
reflective canopy, detailed pilot -Fully animated control
surfaces -Fully animated landing gear -Afterburner effect
with blue flame -Custom Flight Dynamics based on virtual wind
tunnel data -Custom sounds, mixed to be throaty and powerfulFlight
Dynamics by Bryan Betts 3D Model by Daniel Buechter Textures
by Daniel Buechter. 11.5MB
Requires Panel: Authors recommend f-15E Strike Eagle - some
examples here
Update. Corrects a textures oversight. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
2.94Mb (1554 downloads)
RF-101C Voodoo
This is a completely re-textured and re-skinned version of an
old Alphasim model, giving the aircraft a new, realistic look.
Aircraft and panel included. Textures by Marc Czygan. 3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
5.28Mb (1831 downloads)
F-100D Super Sabre
This is a completely re-textured and re-skinned version of an
old Alphasim model, giving the aircraft a new, realistic look.
Aircraft, sound and panel included. Textures by Marc Czygan.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
6.29Mb (43516 downloads)
- Lockheed C-5 Galaxy The
Largest cargo aircraft of the United States, the C-5 Galaxy.
This is my second release of this magnificent aircraft, now
with all available options and accurate annimations of gears,
pilots heads, leading edge flaps, annimated elevator trim, Dy-
namic Shine, Virtual Cockpit, openning frt and rear cargo doors,
reverse-thrusters rolling wheels and much more, it also inc-
cludes a 2D panel created by Dave Haskell. FD by Gunther Kirshtein,
model and textures by Rey Lopez. 6.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

7.79Mb (4451 downloads)
Lancer for CFS2/FS2002
I'm not sure where I Found this File, but it was Olive Drab
colored, I simply painted it w/ MS Paint & cleaned up the Decals
& added the panel & GPS Gauges from www.Blondepage.com Repaint
By Robert "Hawk" Computer simulation by: Tom Hutson. 8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

3.23Mb (436 downloads)
Convair MC-131A M.A.T.S.(CV-440) Air Evac (Textures Only)
Repaint of Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson's Convair CV-440 in
USAF M.A.T.S (Military Air Transport Service)colors for MSFS
2002Pro. Textures only! You must download the Italian Airforce
version available here,
then unzip and replace the texture files. . Repaint by Michael
McDougle Thanks to Tom Gibson for permission to repaint Thanks
to Roberto Piazza for his original repaint (Italian Air Force).
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
22.75Mb (3785 downloads)
Aircraft. Hercules C-130 in two French paint Schemes.
French Air Force and French "Sécurité Civile". This package
contain the aircraft with the two repaint, a very realistic
panel and the real C-130 sound. Opening crew door and cargo
ramp. Aircraft design & model: Adrian Brausch & Ian Brausch.
Sound: Mike Hambly. Panel: Clive Ryan. Compiled & repainted
by Hauger Fredo. 23MB
for the French Hercules C-130. Parachutiste jumper for
the "Armée de l'Air" version. By Hauger Fredo. 41K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

2.16Mb (1531 downloads)
P2V-7 Neptune USN
The P2V-7 Neptune served with the US Navy from 1955 to 1978.
Three versions are included representing colour schemes used
during service. Accurate cockpit also included. For sounds see
CP122.zip The FSDS model has full moving parts, as well as a
detailed cockpit,strobes, landing, and navigation lights. Designed
by Tomohito UNAYAMA, original .air file by Michael Cantrell.
Updated dynamics, textures and panel by Geoff Chambers. 2.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

4.40Mb (1546 downloads)
RA-5C Vigilante of RVAH-6,
which served aboard the USS Nimitz during the late 1970s.
This aircraft (156624) was one the last Vigilantes in service
and was preserved. It is now on display at the National Museum
of Naval Aviation in Pensacola, Florida. This is a rework
of Massimo Taccoli's original Vigilante. Aircraft and panel
included Textures by Marc Czygan. 4.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive