FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds > Page 21
AGUSTA 109 SOUND FILE. These are sounds
for the FS2000 Agusta 109 helicopter Installation;
unzip all files to the aircraft\a109ph\sound directory
where flight simulator 2000 is installed (usually
C:\program files\microsoft games\fs2000) Original
exterior sound are from Olle Kauppi. FS2000 Agusta
109 helicopter can be downloaded from Keiths Virtual
helicopter web site and was remodelled by Royden Scott
from an original FS98 model by Keith Whyte. 13MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
17.82Mb (1395 downloads)
Harley Aircraft Sounds.
Compiled by Stephen "zibom" Pierce. 18.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
3.51Mb (2143 downloads)
- Bf109 Engine Sounds These are the actual
engine sounds taken from the only Bf109 still flying
that was used in WW2. From Start up to Shut down,
You can now hear how a rumble and roar of a REAL Bf109.
It goes GREAT with my Bf109G. Sound File Created and
Uploaded by Steve Gandy. 3.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.48Mb (14715 downloads)
bang (sonic boom) for fighters.
With this "easy-install" gauge you can heard now the
sonic bang when your aircraft reaches MACH 1. Xmlsound
gauge by Bill Morad. Sonic bang gauge by Manolo Machuca
Medina. 488K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
2.04Mb (1677 downloads)
Jet Fighter Sound for CFS2 / FS2000.
Suitable with every kind of jet fighter. This is my
assembly of some realistic and enjoyable .wav gathered
from different sources, taking care to make a package
that remains light enough to be downloaded easily.
Made by Pat Grange. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
8.71Mb (1452 downloads)
JU-88 Sounds.
I'm tired of all the German bombers sounding like
a bunch of glorified Cessna's.I obtained the real
Ju-88 sound bite from a Discovery wings film footage.Overwrite
the Wave Sound in your stock sound folder, This sound
will make all the ai Bombers sound more realistic.
Overwrite the Sound folder in your stock ju_88 folder.These
sounds really improve the game. Peter J. Dowling.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
1.45Mb (1867 downloads)
Rolls-Royce griffon sound file
Cfs2 compatible only! Installation: Extract the file
to your desktop & place in the main aircraft folder
of your spitfire mk.14e Griffon sound copyright Ralph
Pegram. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
7.45Mb (2814 downloads)
TurboJet Sounds:
Shrieking, whistling turbojets. This sound package
gives your older, 4-engine aircraft powered by turbojets
and low-bypass turbofans the unmistakable high-pitch
tones of early jet engine technology. Slight tonal
offsets add a touch of realism, producing beats, esp.
at low RPM's. A must-have replacement for the default
Microsoft B737 sounds for your DC-8's, 707's, and
other early 4-engine jets. By Greg Hedger. 7.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
1.13Mb (948 downloads)
Portuguese private pilot checkride sounds,
speeching brazilian portuguese. Is not a literal translaction
but adapted to our aeronautical terms and more clear
instructions commands. by Ralph Cafure Bolssonaro.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.50Mb (1387 downloads)
Canada DHC-5 Soundpackage for FS2002 By Jose
Olivier .Compiled to showcase the smooth power of
the aircraft inside and out. Includes custom startup
shutdown sequence. All files are tagged and encoded
for I.D. By Jose Olivier. 508K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive