FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds > Page 33
2.50Mb (2507 downloads)
June'98 These sounds where developed for twin-prop
petrol engine planes such as the Baron 56, Cessna
twins etc, etc. They were recorded in stereo and
therefore sound better in that format.. Clive Marriott.
Both files required.
1 (2.5MB)
2 (2.6MB)
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
1.33Mb (8309 downloads)
file for 747. For FS98 filename 747sndpk.New
Boeing 747 Airliner sound file.Enhanced cabin, gear,and
exterior sounds.Gear sounds include voice commands
by non other the Mr.Graham Waterfield commonly know
as "DOTCOM".You have seen his work now hear him.External
reverse thrust sounds included. filtered and sampled
in stereo. By Mike Hambly. Flightsim-Developers Group.
File size 1391915
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
4.13Mb (6246 downloads)
Traffic Control Chatter. ATC sounds. Add realism
to your flying & once used, will never be unused!
USA ATC. File size 4325592 (4.3 mb). UK
(Heathrow ATC) Chat for use with this program. 3
files. Any one or all can be used. If all files
are downloaded, the time between repeated messages
becomes longer.
1 (1459496)
2 (1652136)
3 (1273949)
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.99Mb (6556 downloads)
Stratofortress B52 Nuclear Bomber Soundpack
for FS98 by Aaron R. Swindle Created using S.D.R.A.M.
Stack. All new sound dynamics and mixing process.
Suitable for a multitude of militay long range aircraft
and refuelers. (or any heavy freighter, Galaxy, Antonov)
File size 1032824.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
1.28Mb (12586 downloads)
file for Airbus 320-340. For FS98 filename
a340sndpk.Sound pack for Airbus Industries A320,A340
Airbus.Soothing internal cabin sounds for long haul
flights.Enhanced wind wav to add realism to cabin
surround sounds.New flap sounds.Heavy jet touchdown
wavs.Wind file also adds a spooling up and down effect.Filtered
and sampled in 16bit stereo. Mike Hambly . Flightsim-Developers.
File size 1337468
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
8.29Mb (3537 downloads)
ATC Chatter Version 1.1 Update This is a sound
utility for Flight Simulator 98 that plays random
Air Traffic Control WAV files. It can be set to a
certain volume and frequency. Update includes bug
fixes, volume and frequency settings, and over 150
wav's. Installation help and FAQ may be found in the
readme or at http://members.tripod.com/fsim2k Original
Creater Nicolas Servian. Modified by Mike Schulte.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
4.56Mb (7384 downloads)
V 1.0. FS98-ATC Version 1.0 An adventure creator
which gives the pilot full ATC to-from anywhere in
the world. Including: Checklists, Clearance Delivery,
Ground, Cabin Announcements, Speed and Noise Restictions,
Holding Patterns, Enroute Navigation, Hand-offs, IFR
and VFR style flights. By Stephen Coleman. File size
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
2.57Mb (8833 downloads)
Name : aafwav.zip
needed for above (GPWS) & other ATC applications.
Allows ATC sounds & more. File size 2.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.66Mb (22885 downloads)
Proximity Warning System - great ATC sounds,
easier landings, ground warnings & more. A
must for civil Jets! File size 687K (Requires aafwav.zip,
below). Honeywell owner/originator & adapoted
for FS by Wilco van Deijl.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive