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All Files FS2002 Civil Jets Helicopters Military Misc Panels Props Scenery Utilities Vintage Adventures Gliders and Ultralites
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0.86Mb (168 downloads)
Cosmos Ultralight trike version: 2002 beta GMAX. By: Juan Pablo Benlliure. 880K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
FS2002                     Schleicher ASW28 Prototype D-8028
FS2002                     Schleicher ASW28 Prototype D-8028
3.65Mb (857 downloads)
FS2002 Schleicher ASW28 Prototype D-8028 The Glider The ASW28 is the latest standard class development to come from Schleicher's drawing boards. It is, in itself, a development of the ASW24, utilising the same basic fuselage. It employs the latest in design to build strength and crash protection around the cockpit to maximise pilot safety and also comes with the option of a ballistic rescue parachute to further aid this. The ASW28 owes is excellent flight characteristics to the completely new wing, and thus achieves a maximum glide ratio of 45:1 at 50kts (90km/h). Model includes dynamic virtual cockpit. Designed by Peter Franke. 3.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
UK                     Thermals.
3.18Mb (103 downloads)
UK Thermals. UK gliding scenery by Fred Platt. 3.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
FS2002                     N.N.Z.C Glider Airfield, Netherlands
1.86Mb (560 downloads)
FS2002 N.N.Z.C Glider Airfield, Netherlands. . This is the airfield from where i fly white gliders. by erik beertema. 1.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
                    Mitchel Wing Ultralight For FS2002.
0.55Mb (624 downloads)
Mitchel Wing Ultralight For FS2002. Gauges, FS2002 default Panel, Freeware by kmj Textures, Feeware by kmj Model, Freeware by kmj Flight Dynamics, an edited FS2000 default .air file by k. johnson. 561K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
FS2002                     Nevada gliding scenery package
2.04Mb (62 downloads)
FS2002 Nevada gliding scenery package by Fred Platt This pack includes:- Nevada soaring scenery, .DAT file for the Cambridge instruments (instruments done by Max Roodvelt, not provided in this package)The scenery covers the whole of Nevada and a comparitively small area of California. 2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
                    FS2002/ 2000BAAer BA-5 Guri
1.15Mb (576 downloads)
FS2002/ 2000BAAer BA-5 Guri Thank you for choosing the two place ultra light. This is a prototype design being deveoped by BAAer Aeroplano or Buenos Aires Argentina. The air craft comes in two engine configuration; a Rotax 503 50hp version and a Rotax 582 64 hp version. This is the 64 hp version though my .air file may miscalculate some of the flight dynamics. Gary Myers 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
                      Firestar Ultralight For FS2002,
3.78Mb (240 downloads)
Firestar Ultralight For FS2002, Firestar Ultralight Ver.2 For FS2002, With Panel,Sound, Virtual cockpit, and Animated parts. Includes land and float plane Versions. This version fixes floatplane Taxi problems. December, 2001 By K.Johnson. 3.9MB FS2002 FireStar ultralight March 2002 Updated Flight Dynamics for the FireStar ultralight. Land and float versions. 47K FS2002 FireStar ultralight March 2002 Updated Flight Dynamics for the FireStar ultralight. Land and float versions.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
FS2002                     Skyboy sport aircraft.
1.58Mb (291 downloads)
FS2002 Skyboy sport aircraft. An FSDS V2 aircraft with moving control surfaces, including the rudder. Also includes a custom panel and unique sound. My first aircraft. By Lee Baessler. 1.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
FS2002                     Flightstar II SC Float and wheel versions.
6.21Mb (942 downloads)
FS2002 Flightstar II SC Float and wheel versions. The Flightstar II SC is a single seat ultralight capable of flying on wheels or floats. by Ian Shelton. 6.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
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