18.08Mb (103 downloads)
Fixed Philippine Airforce Repaint for Roland Laborie's freeware F8 Crusader model. FSX Port over by Danny Garnier exclusively for simviation. Works in P3d too. (tested in FSX-Steam Edition)
Changes: Corrected 7th Fighter Squadron logo position and fixed textures for the model without missiles.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 2, 2022 20:41 by Luke'sPhilippineRepaints

91.21Mb (907 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus KC130M NATO Netherlands - Royal Air Force Package.
Airbus KC-130M (A330 MRTT) model by Thomas Ruth. Added the better Thomas Ruth FSX native VC converted by Speedbird77. Fixed contact points. Added wing views. Includes built in FMC by Garret Smith. FMC will display in VC. Includes A330 manual. Custom A330 sounds and checklist included. FSX users: requires either FSX Acceleration or Service packs 1 & 2. Textured, assembled and tested for P3Dv5.3 by Chris Evans
Should also be fine in FSX and earlier P3D versions.
Posted Mar 1, 2022 06:07 by chris evans

16.01Mb (744 downloads)
An old favorite by Tim 'Piglet' Conrad, from FS8/9. Wicked frames, tight model, looks great,
MDL X standard materials and tags, nothing complicated, just fun.
Requires sounds - take
your pick!
Posted Feb 1, 2022 01:24 by Eustace McGargle

27.96Mb (1317 downloads)
The stubby SLUF was reputed to be homely, and slow. It also had something no other bomber of it's era had-it's pilot knew exactly where he was; the A-7's nav-attack system reliable and accurate to the inch. This ability to hit the target, take punishment, honest manners, long range and heavy payload caused many A-7 drivers to question the types retirement.
Iris A-7E from FS9, rather elderly, basic VC, nice externals, great FPS.
FSX native materials and whatnot, acceleration, dropped object and systems features.
Added Walleye and Zuni armed models, with custom WalleyeII, single and salvo Zuni's, and LAU-9's
You will require Chris Sykes Weapons Pack for Mk-82 and Mk-83 bombs.
Enterprise AirGroup Skins by Antonio Diaz.
Posted Jan 26, 2022 02:37 by J.Cheever Loophole

28.74Mb (1481 downloads)
A medium tactical airlifter developed from the Avro 748, the Avro 780 Andover flew in 1965, with service entry in 1966 under the Hawker-Siddeley banner. Featuring a beefier airframe with a wider wing center section, upswept fuselage and revised tail, hotter engines, bigger props and a kneeling undercarriage, 31 machines in three marques followed for the RAF and RNZAF.
Rick Piper's scrumptious Andover, Ca 2006; in MDLX standard for FSX-P3D/1-4, original 32 bit gauge VC. It's all there, it's all working per the FS9 original, save one small gremlin, see readme file for full credits and details.
Posted Jan 21, 2022 03:21 by Spiny Norman

136.24Mb (3172 downloads)
Original aircrafts by IRIS Simulations, sublime native FSX conversion by ignoti et quasi occulti. Both the F-15C and F-15D come with 2 models: a clean variant and an armed variant with an extra tank. Earlier releases of these aircraft models did have some (small) issues which I did fix.
Also I did implement some new XML gauges and did enhance existing XML gauges.
Fixes exists of the ability to set the NAV1 frequency in VC, a working compass gauge, disabling of the standard GPWS, a working Flaps indicator, mouse triggering of the Landing Gear and Airbrake levers, repair of the Gear up warning sound, and expanding of the Auto Pilot systems. More than 35 modifications have been made to this aircraft. This is a complete aircraft.
All modifications have been tested in Prepar3D v4. A FSX configuration is also provided althoiugh not tested. For an installation guide see the fileINSTALL.txt
For a full credits list as well as other info see file: IRIS_F-15_mod.pdf
For a full modifications and fixes list see also the file 'Flanker256.txt' in
the 'Docs' folder of the aircraft.
Happy flights and stay safe.
Posted Jan 19, 2022 11:51 by Flanker256

17.75Mb (584 downloads)
The ultimate development of the Yak-3 fighter flew on 8 July 1947, under power of a pirated RR Derwent V. A developed version of the Yak-15/Yak-17, it did not carry very much very far, though pilots praised it's maneuverability and climb rate.
One machine was obtained by the USAF from Yugoslava for testing at AFTC, and flown in US marks.
Kazunori Ito's lovely FLORA from FS9, in model X standard materials, and a number of wicked skins from L'iguaine, Mike Pook FSX VC.
With and without tiptanks.
Slick FPS, nice flyer, fun little jet.
Posted Jan 8, 2022 01:44 by Flywheel J.Wolf

74.01Mb (801 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A340-300 Luftwaffe German Air Force package. Germany currently operate 2 A340-300 use for military and government transport.
Model by Thomas Ruth. Added the better Thomas Ruth modified VC with latest updates by Chris Evans and Louis Quintero. Added correct jetway configs, wing views and wheel levels. Manual included. Zip preview for larger pictures. Checklist by Werner Schott included.
Textured and assembled for P3D 5.3 by Chris Evans. Should work in FSX and earlier P3D versions.
Recommend the Trent engine soundpack
Posted Jan 4, 2022 11:48 by chris evans

54.05Mb (910 downloads)
Fixes and updates for the 1-str Voodoo. Main fix is the Avionics fix so that now you can do IFR flights and use AutoPilot.
Also added is a missing vital Effect file and adjusted the tailhook length and made Afterburner effects available for FSX SP2. 'Updates' consist more of additions like a bunch of VC Gauges for e,g, Anti-Ice, Pitot Heat, Drag Chute switch, and Cockpit Sounds etc. See the WhatIsThis.txt for more info and a Credits list as well. There are files for both for 32-bit and 64-bit simulators. See the INSTALL.txt This is NOT a complete aircraft package. Happy Flights,
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 21, 2021 12:03 by Flanker256

0.01Mb (271 downloads)
This patch will fix the COM1 radio in the Radio Stack popup window,so that now you can adjust the frequency.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 16, 2021 01:33 by Flanker256