83.73Mb (1245 downloads)
This is an update for FSX and P3D of the F9F-8 Cougar
by Robert Richardson. I have added a 2D panel
using a picture I took of the VC. Most of the
gauges on the 2D panel don't match the ones
on the VC because apparently, for the most
part, they are built into the model file. I
corrected the contact points where necessary;
and I updated the flight dynamics.
Posted Apr 23, 2021 02:19 by Bob Chicilo

91.62Mb (1282 downloads)
FSX/Prepar3D Gloster Meteor T Mk 7.5. All new model of Belgian built Meteor. This is a complete model package including panel and sound plus eight highly accurate paint schemes by Peter Watkins. By Robert Richardson/Peter Watkins.
Posted Apr 22, 2021 05:44 by uploader

23.74Mb (119 downloads)
This version replaces the Fuel Tank Selector v2 previously uploaded. I've made the following changes... 1. The fuel tank selector levers no longer disappear when selecting left, right, or aux tanks. 2. Corrected tooltip text when mouse hovering over a fuel tank selection. 3. When starting the aircraft using ctrl + e, the fuel tank selector levers will disappear letting the user know that they are in AUTO mode. The fuel tanks will automatically feed fuel from both aux tanks first followed by both main tanks. 4. Increased the aircraft's starter torque allowing the user to start the aircraft using the Starter 1 and Starter 2 key assignments. NOTE - this download includes an updated aircraft.cfg, so please make a backup of your original. Copy the SimObjects folder from this zip to your Prepar3D V4 folder. Click yes to overwrite the old files. Please visit my Facebook @TruNorthSim to leave a comment or request support!
Posted Apr 17, 2021 11:48 by TruNorthSim
0.07Mb (168 downloads)
This mod is for my recently uploaded RCS B-25J Revised Package. It adds the missing startup engine smoke effect and fixes the right fuel selector not switching properly. However, there is a known bug that the engines die when selecting AUX tanks. The xml code is causing that issue, and I am working on it. When you open the zip file, copy the Effects and SimObjects file to your B-25J P3D folder. Click yes to overwrite the old files.
Posted Apr 14, 2021 11:15 by TruNorthSim

56.15Mb (580 downloads)
I previously uploaded this aircraft, but there were issues with the textures. I've applied the texture fixes (v1 and v2) and the panel v1 mod uploaded recently, so you will not need them for this download. This aircraft was originally created by Roy Chaffin. It was converted to P3Dv4 by Bluebear. Here are the changes I've made to the aircraft... 1. Removed the black/untextured box between the front seats. 2. Added the lense for the HUD back to the model and made it light up at night. 3. Retextured the interior to give it a 'modern' appearance. If you REALLY don't like it, please contact me at my Facebook address at the bottom of the page or reach out to me through the forum. With enough requests I may offer to put the original textures back in it. 4. Changed the interior night lighting to green. 5. Added night vision. You can activate it by right clicking and clicking on Night Vision Goggles in the popup menu. Zoom in and out with the +/- keys or whichever keys you have mapped to zoom in and out. 6. Small fixes or changes to the aircraft.cfg or the panel.cfg 7. Removed a LOT of duplicate files saving space (135mb vs 56mb :D) solving texture issues making it much easier to locate and edit textures in the future. 8. Converted all the texture files to DXT5 DDS format. 9. Gave the user the ability to open a 2D Starter Panel with keys Shift + 6. 10. Edited the colors of the 2D cockpit lighting to match the green VC lighting. Please visit my Facebook @TruNorthSim to leave a comment or request support!
Posted Apr 14, 2021 02:06 by TruNorthSim

50.34Mb (1378 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus CC-150T (A310-300MRTT) Canadian Armed Forces package.
The A310MRTT or CC-150T is a military version of the Airbus A310. The Canadian Armed Forces currently operate 2 MRTT versions.
A310MRT model by Thomas Ruth in FSX native format with A310 VC.
Includes FMC by Garret Smith. Includes A310 operation manual. Airbus sounds included. Textured and assembled for P3D v5 by Chris Evans. Should work in FSX and other P3D
Posted Apr 9, 2021 11:29 by chris evans

114.71Mb (1891 downloads)
Beriev Be-12 Chaika (Seagull) NATO reporting name: MAIL
FSX/P3D. Multi-purpose maritime reconnaissance, electronic warfare, anti-submarine
and SAR amphibian flying boat of the AVMF. A few remain in use to this day.
Evolved from the Be-6, and designed in parallel with the Be-10, the Chaika was a dedicated
ASW machine developed to counter George Washington/Polaris A-1 SSBN's, as initially designed,
with the SKAT nuclear depth bomb.
FSX 2021 native conversion of this all new, and excellent Be-12 by
Doson, Gritsevsky, Wishmaster, DZIES.
With the kind permission of Doson. The model does not have a VC modelled, so our trusty An-32 by Piglet has donated a VC. It's pretty close, and does the job nicely.
The model also had no flightcrew, so a set of Piglet aircrew were slid in.
Vlads dear old, and terribly inaccurate Mail, can go to a well deserved retirement after 19 years of service.
Doson's is accurate in shape and dimensions, very fast FPS, pretty good for drawcalls, and looks great.
The Mail is a challenging modelling job, and these boys have him just right.
Model by Doson, Gritsevsky, Wishmaster, DZIES
VC by Tim Conrad.
FSX conversion, extra paints by Y.T.
Posted Apr 9, 2021 02:23 by Boomskiy Blubachek

38.09Mb (2142 downloads)
FSX Native MiG-29K 'Sea Fulcrum', model by IRIS simulations. Assignments unchanged from FS9, otherwise, FSX native materials and whatnot. Only did the single 'clean' model - the stores did not look so good. Hey, the price is right, looks great, super FPS, loads of fun.
Posted Mar 19, 2021 03:16 by ignoti et quasi occulti

85.16Mb (2340 downloads)
FSX Native McD F-15C/D Eagle, model by IRIS Simulations. Hopefully, as this is unsupported freeware, and I've failed dismally at finding a contact, a native update won't cause distress.
FSX standard materials, animations and tags, it's all working except for the inlet schedule, which I had to bodge a bit-see read me for details
Clean 'C' and 'D', a Counter-air(2 tanks/6 'raams/2 -9L's/ALQ-184) C, a Combat
trainer 'D' (2 tanks/-9/-120 acquisition rounds)
I did a bit of a rebuild on the combat 'C', it was missing it's fuselage corner stores racks.
Those are in place now.
Posted Mar 19, 2021 03:07 by ignoti et quasi occulti

75.86Mb (535 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A321-231 Luftwaffe/German Air Force #1504. This A321-200 is used as VIP transport for the German Government.
Includes 2020 revised model and VC. Modified the Project Airbus A321-200 to resemble a NX model with window and door placements.
2020 updated A321 model by Project Airbus updated to FSX native and updated VC by Speedbird77.
Autobrakes fully functional within the vc. Check near the gear lever.
ECAMS lower screen is more accurate. Credit to "FsWorX". Includes A321 checklist. Airbus sounds included. Tested in P3D v5 and should work in FSX and previous P3D versions. Zip preview for images. Textured and packaged by Chris Evans
March 2021.
Posted Mar 7, 2021 06:32 by chris evans